MongoDB User Data Management Server

See for more information.

How to run:

(Requires MongoDB server to be installed and running; if not already installed, see here for details).

  1. Run npm i
  2. Run npm run seed
  3. Run npm start
  4. Navigate to localhost:3001/api/users in your browser to see a list of users

Currently working API routes:


  • GET (fetch all users)
  • POST (create a user)


  • GET (fetch a user by ID)
  • PUT (update a user by ID)
  • DELETE (delete a user by ID)

Routes remaining to be implemented:


  • POST (add a friend to user's friend list)
  • DELETE (delete a friend from user's friend list)


  • GET (fetch all thoughts)
  • POST (create a thought, including to attached user)


  • GET (fetch a thought by ID)
  • PUT (update a thought by ID)
  • DELETE (delete a thought by ID)


  • POST (add a reaction to a thought)
  • DELETE (delete a reaction from a thought by its reactionId*) reactionId is stored in request body

See notes.txt for more details.