SendGrid Helper Library to send emails very easily using Go.
SMTP API is going to be deprecated from most of our libraries in favor of just using the Web API. If you still wish to use SMTP as your transport have a look at this example.
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
sg := sendgrid.NewSendGridClient("sendgrid_user", "sendgrid_key")
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddToName("Yamil Asusta")
message.AddSubject("SendGrid Testing")
if r := sg.Send(message); r == nil {
fmt.Println("Email sent!")
} else {
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddTo("") // Returns error if email string is not valid RFC 5322
// or
address, _ := mail.ParseAddress("Example <>") // make sure to import "net/mail" if you wish to use mail.ParseAddress
message.AddRecipient(address) // Receives a vaild mail.Address
Same concept as regular recipient excepts the methods are:
- AddBCC
- AddRecipientBCC
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddSubject("New email")
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddHTML("<html><body>Stuff, you know?</body></html>")
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddAttachmentLink("filename", "")
message.AddAttachmentStream("filename", []byte("some file content"))
SendGrid's X-SMTPAPI
If you wish to use the X-SMTPAPI on your own app, you can use the SMTPAPI Go library.
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddSubstitution("key", "value")
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddSection("section", "value")
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddUniqueArg("key", "value")
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddFilter("filter", "setting", "value")
package main
import (
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
sg := sendgrid.NewSendGridClient("sendgrid_user", "sendgrid_key")
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
// set http.Client to use the appengine client
sg.Client = urlfetch.Client(c) //Just perform this swap, and you are good to go.
message := sendgrid.NewMail()
message.AddSubject("SendGrid is Baller")
message.AddHTML("Simple Text")
if r := sg.Send(message); r == nil {
fmt.Println("Email sent!")
} else {
c.Errorf("Unable to send mail %v",r)
Kudos to Matthew Zimmerman for this example.
Please run the test suite in before sending a pull request.
go test
##MIT License
Enjoy. Feel free to make pull requests :)