

This video-player designed for playing online and offline videos in any vue or nuxt base web page. You can play video from youtube, vimeo, offline path, and other online video URL.


npm install --save nuxt-video-player

How to

import VideoPlayer from 'nuxt-video-player'


components: {
<video-player src="your video url or path"/>


All props are optional.

Name Type Default Required Description
id String v-player false With id you can set a unique identifier for each video-player.
src String null true In src, you need to enter your video URL or file path for play video.
allow (youtube) String clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture false With this, you can set which options in youtube video support.
allowFullscreen (youtube) Boolean true false You can set full-screen mode support or not.
containerStyles String v-player false You can set a class for custom styling for player container.
playerStyles String v-player__iframe false I create this player with iframe, you can add a class for adding custom styles.
autoplay Boolean false false You can set video autoplay with this.
loop Boolean false false with this, you can set video play again after the end or not.
muted Boolean false false You can enable disable audio with this.
poster String null false You can set custom video poster with this.
preload String 'auto' false You can set video preload with this.