
Workshop introducing PDX scientists to bioinformatics and genomic mutation analysis. For the EMBO practical course Humanized Mice in Biomedicine: Challenges and Innovations

Workshop: In silico genomic mutation analysis


This workshop is intended to introduce the command-line tools and file types used in a simple bioinformatics workflow for mutation detection with Patient Derived Xenograft (PDX) Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) data. It was written for the workshop for Humanized Mice in Biomedicine (2019) in EMBL, Heidelberg.


  • Basic scientific background of PDX models and mutations
  • You should have Docker and ORCA installed (done for you)


Time plan:

  • 14:30 Part 1
  • 15:00 Part 2
  • 15:30 Part 3

Learning Objectives

  1. Become familiar with the Command-Line Interface
  2. Understand the common file formats used in genomic variant detection
  3. Perform sequencing read alignment
  4. Run a variant caller to identify Single Nucleotide Variations (SNVs) and insertion/deletion mutations (indels)

For a lot of scientists, bioinformatics is a mysterious and daunting black box. My aim for this workshop is not necessarily to get you performing variant analysis in an hour (though there's content here ready if you want to!), but rather to lift up the curtain and give you an idea of what's actually happening in that black box, and convince you that you can do it too.

There is a lot to cover even with a simplified variant calling pipeline, and it is unlikely we will cover everything in the 1.5 hours we have, however, the tutorial should give you the starting tools to takle the rest of it. You are encouraged to finish the workshop in your own time should you wish. I will respond to any issues or questions you have, on Humanised Mice slack, the github repository, or by email if you prefer.

Advanced Objectives

Already comfortable with the command line? Here's what you can expect to add to your bioinformatics repetoire:

  • A troubleshooting strategy for most situations
  • Modern best practices regarding reproducible analyses - using and creating your own docker images
  • An introduction to using R for downstream analysis and presentation


The workshop will continue to be updated, so please feel free to submit questions or suggestions. Let's make a useful resource for other PDX scientists interested in analysing their own data!

Part 1: Welcome to the Command-Line

When working with bioinformatics, it is impossible to avoid working with the Command Line Interface (CLI). You will use it to access all of the tools of the trade. At first it will be daunting, and will take a while to get things done, but soon enough you will get more comfortable with it.

🎯 Task 1

First, complete the exercises in Amber Wright's Command-line Tutorials:

  1. Introduction to the Command-Line
  2. Beginner's guide to pagers
  3. Familiarising yourself with the unfamiliar
  4. Reading files again

Part 2: Sequencing Read Alignment

Some files for analysis have already been downloaded to your computer in the /data directory. Using your newfound command-line skills, we are going to investigate them and show you what some of the files actually look like.

These FASTQ files are from the sample OT-FWCP10 from the PDMR database. In the interests of time, I have isolated only those reads that should map to p13.1 of chromosome 17 (chr17:6,600,000-10,600,000, around 4Mb worth). The reference genome (build hg38) is from Illumina's igenomes.

🎯 Task 2

This will build on what you learned in Part 1.

  1. Change directory into /data
  2. List the files in the directory
  3. Let's organise things a bit:
    1. Make a fastqs directory
    2. Move the FASTQ files into it. You can use mv to do this:
      mv r1.fastq fastqs/
      mv r2.fastq fastqs/
  4. List the files that are in fastqs/

Containerised Analysis using ORCA

We are going to use ORCA for these exercises. You can think of it as a tiny, self-contained little linux computer working inside your current machine. There are benefits to using such an environment, such as for ease of program installation and reproducibility.

To start working in ORCA, use the following command:

docker run --interactive --tty --volume /data:/Users/training --workdir /Users/training bcgsc/orca

There are a number of options here that we've called docker with:

  • --interactive allows you to interact with the bash interface of the container
  • --tty opens a tty terminal session (Ross needs to update this)
  • --volume <OS directory>:<docker directory> mounts a volume to docker. This just allows you to access the fastq files from your machine from within the docker environment
  • --workdir sets the current working directory for when you start the container

You will spin up your virtual linux operating system and see your prompt within ORCA's shell:

All paths from now on will be relative paths from your /data directory


You can use exit to close the container and return to your system shell at any time.

SAM File Format

SAM files describe where your sequencing reads map to on a reference genome. Here is an example of a line that represents an alignment. Most of these fields do not convey much information, but the following fields make intuitive sense:

    1. (chr17) 'RNAME': this shows the reference chromosome that was mapped to.
    1. (10450470) ''POS': the coordinate of the leftmost read base

🎯 Task 3

  1. Align the reads in the fastq files to a reference genome using a CLI tool called bowtie.

    We will use the command like so: bowtie --sam <reference> -1 <R1.fastq> -2 <R2.fastq> <output.sam>

    bowtie --sam --chunkmbs 200 Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg38/Sequence/BowtieIndex/genome -1 fastqs/r1.fastq -2 fastqs/r2.fastq aligned.sam

    The options we pass to bowtie are:

    • --sam indicates we want the output to be in SAM format
    • --chunkmbs 200 is required to prevent our machines running out of memory while trying to find the alignment for each read
    • Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg38/Sequence/BowtieIndex/ is the first unnamed option we use. It points to our reference genome, as described above
    • -1 points to the location of our first FASTQ file - this contains the first mates of each paired-end read
    • -2 likewise points to the location of our second FASTQ file
    • aligned.sam is our second unnamed option. It is the name that we want the output file to be
  2. We need to do a couple of operations on our SAM file before it is ready for mutation detection, we need to compress and sort the data.

  3. Compress the file. We are going to use the binary SAM (bam) format:

    samtools view -b aligned.sam > aligned.bam
  4. Sort the file. We can do this by using samtools again:

    samtools sort aligned.bam -o aligned.bai

Part 3: Mutation Detection

VCF File Format

Now that we have aligned our reads to the reference genome, we can perform variant calling - we can identify where there are mismatches between the two, which suggest a mutation in the experimental sample.

🎯 Task 4

  1. Call variants using freebayes:
freebayes -f Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg38/Sequence/BowtieIndex/genome.fa aligned.bai > test_mutations.vcf
  1. If we call head test_mutations.vcf then we can preview the contents of the file. VCF files are a tab-delimited file. You can think of them like Excel spreadsheets, except they use tabs to separate columns and returns to separate rows. You can even open it in Excel or another spreadsheet program.
  2. Take a vcf that has been generated from the full read dataset here and upload it to CRAVAT.us

Going Further

The vcfR package for R. To use it, we will use RStudio (via Rocker), which is a nice editor for working in R with.

docker run -e PASSWORD=<YOUR_PASSWORD> -p 8787:8787 rocker/rstudio:3.6.1
  1. Navigate your web browser to localhost:8787
  2. Log into the rstudio interface with username / password rstudio/<YOUR_PASSWORD>
  3. Install the package with install.packages("vcfR")


Whoops, everything looked like it was going fine, but it says that the install terminated somewhere! 🙊 We are now going to cover an essential programming skill: troubleshooting. Every programmer and bioinformatician - beginner or seasoned veteran - has to do this, and you'll have to learn sooner or later too.

Simply, we are going to use a search engine with two pieces of information, 1) The most relevent part of the debug error and 2) the context in which we're encountering it. In this case I searched for:

vcfr zlib.h: No such file or directory  #include <zlib.h>

  1. We find a similar question asked by someone on stackoverflow, and a couple of answers. This answer seems to be the key to solving it.
  2. According to the discussion, it appears that we're missing a dependency, a C library called zlib. The answer details how we can install this dependency and resolve our installation, run:
# Note: Run in container
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libz-dev
  1. Now that's installed, we can return to RStudio and run the install.packages command again to complete the install and load the library
  1. Now we are ready to follow the vignette for vcfR

Docker is a great tool that can be used to tackle one of the long-standing problems of bioinformatics analyses: Reproducibility. For an example of why, you can see the recent story about python in the newsNeupane et al. 2019

🙂 Feedback

Any feedback would be very welcome! Three short questions, no required answers, completely anonymous!

Feedback form


Build upon, and acknowledge the work of others, and don't repeat yourself when you don't have to.


A lightweight virtualisation tool. You can think of it as a miniature simulated linux computer running within your computer)

Filetypes Reference

We will introduce 3 frequently used bioinformatic file formats in this tutorial:

Filetype Contains Description
FASTA Sequences A collection of DNA sequences. We store reference genomes in this format.
FASTQ Reads A collection of signals ("reads") that represent DNA sequences, generated from a high-throughput sequencer. Contains quality scores for each read.
SAM Alignments A collection of reads that have been aligned to a reference genome.
VCF Mutations A list of variations (i.e. mutations) found in an alignment.

From the descriptions, you might guess that these build on each other. We will start with FASTA and FASTQ files, and generate SAM alignments from them. From the SAM files, we will generate a VCF that will contain processed information about the mutations we have found in our sample.