A web application to render the provided transaction list
This is a simple application to demostrate Spring Boot for REST API and Angular UI Front End
The Spring Boot have security feature setup to require user to login with GitHub account
in order to authenticated/authorized for this app.
Here is the task of this app:
- Oauth2 authentication/authorization (with GitHub)
- Rest API includes:
GET /api/transaction/list
list the existing transactions in the database
GET /api/transaction/get/{id}
display the detail transaction for that transaction id
DELETE /api/transaction/remove/{id}
delete the transaction for the given id
POST /api/transaction/save
add a new transaction
- Angular Front End as UI for transaction view/maintenance
please note this service has configured to port 8000, the localhost:8000 is registered with GitHub
for Oauth2
##Build and Deploy
this requires JDK 1.8 or above
using Gradle build file build.gradle
cd project folder
build command: ./gradlew clean build
the above command will generate an excutable jar, which allows to deploy into different platform
like cloud, docker or run as standalone by the following run command
this requires JDK 1.8 or above
assume Transaction is your project folder
after building the project with above build command
cd Transaction/build/libs
java -jar transaction-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Initially developed with IntelliJ IDEA, but Eclipse or Spring IDE will be fine.
Note for IntelliJ Version 2018.1 :
in order to process annotation for Lombok, please ensure the following setting is configured:
IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences -> Build,Excution,Deployment -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors
checked - Enable annotation processing
selected - Obtain processors from project classpath