
A simple e-commerce project exercise implementation in diferent programming languages and techs. Using a Clean Architecture.

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A simple e-commerce project exercise implementation in diferent programming languages and techs. Using a Clean Architecture principles.

Data model

Screenshot of ecommerce

Project architecture

  • Independent of database engine
  • Level 2 of Richardson Maturity Model
  • Use JWT
  • Use Meilisearch as search engine
  • Use Redis as cache
  • Use Rabbitmq as message queue


Method Path Role Required Description
POST /api/login Anonymous Auth
POST /api/product/create Editor or Admin Create a new product
DELETE /api/product/delete/{id} Editor or Admin Delete a Product
GET /api/product/{sku} User Get a product by Sku(Stock Keeping Unit) property
PATCH /api/product/update/{id} Editor or Admin Update a product using Id property
GET /api/product/search User Search a product
GET /api/product/search-total User Get total of product that match with a search
GET /api/product/out-stock Editor or Admin List Products out of stock
POST /api/sale/create User Sale a product
GET /api/sale/list-products User List all products that has been sale
GET /api/sale/calc-profit Editor or Admin Get the profit of sales
POST /api/user/register Anonymous Register a new user
GET /api/user User Get user info using the JWT token
PATCH /api/user/update/{id} Admin Update a user
GET /api/user/list Admin Get the user list

System design

Screenshot of ecommerce

Run project

Run integration tests

cd nodejs-integration-tests
yarn start


  • finish the OpenAPI v3 specification
  • implement a prediction server
  • implement a recomendation engine
  • implement a health check API
  • create an implementation in SpringBoot
  • create an implementation in ASP.NET Core
  • create an implementation in Golang
  • create an implementation in Ruby on Rails
  • create an implementation in Django
  • create an implementation in Flask
  • create an implementation in Express
  • create an implementation in Laravel