Kafka CSV Producer

This can be used to push records from a CSV to a Kafka topic. The records will be passed as JSON objects and the 1st row of the CSV file will be used to generate the field names.


  • Java 17
  • Apache Maven 3.8.5

How to build the tool

  • Execute mvn clean install in the root directory.
  • Once the above command has been executed successfully, the distribution can be found in the /target/kafka-csv-producer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-distribution.zip
  • Extract the kafka-csv-producer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-distribution.zip distribution.

How to run the tool

  • Update the kafka.config file with the correct confluent cloud details, or else a different kafka.config file can be passed as an argument.

  • Execute the below command

      java -cp kafka-csv-producer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.rnavagamuwa.CLI --csv-path <path_to_the_local_csv_file> --kafka-topic <kafka_topic_name> --kafka-config <path_to_the_kafka_config_file>