- 1
README file for MixedEvent
#93 opened by MustafaMustafa - 3
How about adding StPicoDstMaker in here?
#89 opened by plexoos - 11
- 2
- 3
- 0
Library README files
#80 opened by MustafaMustafa - 2
Nightly build
#65 opened by MustafaMustafa - 0
Pt dependent cuts for StHFCuts
#78 opened by jthaeder - 2
- 5
Macro to run NPE analysis template
#55 opened by MustafaMustafa - 2
- 1
Update DoAnaMaker howto
#58 opened by jthaeder - 1
Use of StPicoCutsBase class
#61 opened by jthaeder - 9
Update classdef for PicoD0Event
#57 opened by ajentsch - 0
- 3
Test changes in dev for D0AnaMaker
#39 opened by jthaeder - 3
- 3
#37 opened by mlomnitz - 7
StHFMaker: public inheritance and false attempt to force inherited methods to be private
#45 opened by MustafaMustafa - 2
make StHFCutsBase class
#48 opened by jthaeder - 0
Clean github history
#56 opened by MustafaMustafa - 3
Issue syncing D0 and pico files
#49 opened by mlomnitz - 1
Npe Library bug
#50 opened by mlomnitz - 1
StHfCuts rejecting almost all tracks
#34 opened by MustafaMustafa - 0
- 1
Change the code in StPicoPrescales to raise an exception if file is not found.
#15 opened by MustafaMustafa - 1
- 2
upload submission script
#9 opened by jthaeder - 0
Create a STAR CVS mirror of this repo.
#19 opened by MustafaMustafa - 1
Error loading pico list
#18 opened by aaqs01 - 5
- 1
Test modified run script for StPicoD0AnaMaker
#12 opened by jthaeder - 0
Test issue
#8 opened by MustafaMustafa