
supybot docker container

Primary LanguageShell


Limnoria IRC bot docker container.

Example run:

docker run -d --name mybot \
       -e SUPYBOT_CHANNELS="#mychannel" \
       -e SUPYBOT_IDENT=mybot \
       -e SUPYBOT_NETWORK=freenode \
       -e SUPYBOT_NICK=mybot \
       -e SUPYBOT_PORT=6697 \
       -e SUPYBOT_PREFIXES='@&' \
       -e SUPYBOT_SERVER=irc.freenode.net \
       -e SUPYBOT_USER=bot \
       -e SUPYBOT_USE_SSL=True \
       -e SUPYBOT_OWNER=supyadmin \
       -e SUPYBOT_OWNER_PASS=adminpass \

This will build and run an initial config and start limnoria in a detached container called "limnoria". Further configuration can be done from a query window with your bot in your IRC client.

If you already have a configuration situated at /var/lib/mybot, make sure your configuration directory is owned by the limnoria user and run the following command:

docker run -d --name mybot \
       -v /var/lib/mybot \
       -d SUPYBOT_HOME /var/lib/mybot \
       libcrack/limnoria \
       supybot mybot.conf


docker run -d --name mybot \
       -v /var/lib/mybot:/var/supybot \
       libcrack/limnoria \
       supybot mybot.conf

The environment values are:

SUPYBOT_CHANNELS       # Channels to join (default: empty)
SUPYBOT_HOME           # Where to put the config files (default: /var/supybot)
SUPYBOT_IDENT          # Identity of bot (default: supybot)
SUPYBOT_NETWORK        # Network name (default: freenode)
SUPYBOT_NICK           # Nick of bot (default: supybot)
SUPYBOT_PASSWORD       # Network Password (default: empty)
SUPYBOT_PORT           # Network Port (default: 6697)
SUPYBOT_PREFIXES       # Single character command prefixes, can specify multiple (default: '!')
SUPYBOT_PREFIX_STRINGS # Multi-character command prefixes, space delimited (default: empty)
SUPYBOT_SERVER         # Network address (default: irc.freenode.net)
SUPYBOT_USER           # Bot Username (default: supybot)
SUPYBOT_USE_SSL        # Use SSL? (default: True)
SUPYBOT_OWNER          # Owner identity for !identify (default: owner)
SUPYBOT_OWNER_PASS     # Owner password for !identify (default: owner)

Alternatively you can place your configuration in the supybot directory (under the name supybot.conf) and it will be picked up automatically.

Installing Plugins

The Dockerfile supports installing plugins into Limnoria. It can git clone plugin repositories. The git repositories should be placed in (separated by newlines) plugin-sources.

Running on OpenShift

To run locally on OpenShift it is recommended to use https://github.com/minishift/minishift to make it easy to start a cluster locally. Once your cluster is running and you have logged in via oc then simply running

oc new-app <fork-of-this-git-repository>

will automatically start and deploy your image to OpenShift.