
Organize your dark frames by exposure, temperture, and date.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Naztronomy - Dark Frames Organizer

This script is designed to process FITS files, read their header information, and organize them into a structured directory hierarchy based on their header attributes. It also provides options for verbose output and generating a CSV report of the file processing results.


This script requires the following dependencies:

  • Python (version 3.x)
  • astropy library


To install the necessary dependencies, follow these steps:

  1. Install Python 3.x: Visit the official Python website at python.org and download the latest version of Python for your operating system. Follow the installation instructions provided.

  2. Install the astropy library: Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

    pip install astropy

This will install the astropy library required by the script.


python dfo.py input_directory output_directory [-v] [-o report_file.csv]


  • input_directory: The directory where the script looks for the FITS files to process.
  • output_directory: The directory where the processed files will be organized into the new directory structure.
  • -v (optional): Enables verbose output. Success and failure messages will be displayed during the file processing.
  • -o report_file.csv (optional): Specifies the filename of the CSV report file. If not provided, the default filename "report.csv" will be used.


The script performs the following tasks:

  1. Reads the FITS files' header information including gain, offset, temperature, and exposure time.

  2. Creates a new directory structure based on the header attributes in the output directory.

    The directory structure follows the format:
    - `EXPTIME`: The exposure time of the FITS file.
    - `temperature`: The rounded CCD temperature of the FITS file, divisible by 5.
    - `YYYY-MM-DD`: The date of the FITS file.
    Example directory names:
    - 60sec/-10C/2023-05-01/
    - 120sec/5C/2023-05-02/
  3. Renames the files according to the header attributes and moves them to the corresponding directories.

  4. Optionally generates a CSV report file with the file processing results.

Example Usage

To process FITS files located in the input_files directory and organize them into the output_files directory with verbose output and report file:

python dfo.py input_files output_files -v -o report.csv

This command will process the FITS files, display success and failure messages during the process, and generate a CSV report file named report.csv containing the processing results.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Questions ?

Have questions? You can reach me through several different channels. You can ask a question in the issues forum or on the video comments on https://www.youtube.com/naztronomy.


I will accept Pull requests fixing bugs or adding new features after I've vetted them. Feel free to create pull requests!