
Simple InfluxDB appender for log4js-node

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

log4js-influxdb-appender Build Status codecov


A simple appender for log4js that writes to a InfluxDB database. Built on top of the node-influxdb client.


npm install log4js
npm install log4js-influxdb-appender


Default configuration

const log4js = require('log4js');
  appenders: {
    influx: {
      type: "log4js-influxdb-appender",
  categories: {
    default: { appenders: ["influx"], level: "trace" },
const logger = log4js.getLogger();
logger.debug("important string message"});
logger.trace({ param1: 'can serialize', param2: 'objects too' });

This will result in a message recorded in the database log4js_db, measurement default, of an InfluxDB (running on localhost:8086), as following :

name: default
time                      data                                                  level   pid
----                      -----                                                 ------  ------
2020-05-01T10:13:00.999Z  important string message                              DEBUG   6123
2020-05-01T10:13:01.999Z  { param1: 'can serialize', param2: 'objects too' }    TRACE   6123


  • type - log4js-influxdb-appender
  • host - string - (optional, default to localhost) hostname or IP-address of the target server
  • port - number - (optional, default to 8086) port number of the target server
  • database - string - (optional, default to log4js_db) name of the target database
  • username - string- (optional) user name
  • password - string- (optional) user password
  • measurement - string - (optional) name of the target measurement. If not present, will use the category name of the appender.
  • fields - array - (optional, default to ['data']). Fields of the logging event to be used as fields in your InfluxDB.
  • tags - array - (optional, default to ['level', 'pid']). Fields of the logging event to be used as tags in your InfluxDB.
  • maxBatchSize - number - (optional, defaults to 1) number of logs to buffer before sending them to InfluxDB. Note that node-influxdb recommends several hundreds.
  • layout - (optional, defaults to layouts.messagePassThroughLayout) - the layout to use for logged messages.


const log4js = require('log4js');
  appenders: {
    influx: {
      type: 'log4js-influxdb-appender',
      database: 'myDatabase',
      measurement: 'listOfScientists',
      maxBatchSize: 1000,
      fields: ['cheese', 'quantity'],
      tags: ['scientist'],
  categories: {
    default: { appenders: ['influx'], level: 'trace' },
const logger = log4js.getLogger();
logger.info({ scientist: 'Marie Curie', cheese: 'roquefort', quantity: '100' });

This will result in a message recorded in the database myDatabase, measurement listOfScientists, of an InfluxDB (running on localhost:8086), as following :

name: listOfScientists
time                     cheese    quantity scientist
----                     ------    -------- ---------
2020-05-16T10:10:14.611Z roquefort 100      Marie Curie



Released under the MIT License.

Note that node-influxdb dependency has its own licensing.