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Primary LanguageGroovy

Docker File for LDBC-SNB Data Generator

Suppose you want to generate synthetic graph data compaible and loadable into a Tinkerpop 3 data format. We are here to the rescue!

This repo contains files and configurations to:

  • build a docker image with the desired data inside,
  • transpose the LDBC-generated data to a Tinkerpop-compatible format, and
  • load it into Tinkergraph.

Below a preamble, the “just run it!” steps are in the section RUN!, but you should still read below to know what will happen.


Below the basics of the process, in case you want to it yourself, but rest assured: this docker image will make all the following automatically.

The LDBC-SNB Data Generator (DATAGEN) is the responsible of providing the data sets used by all the LDBC benchmarks. This data generator is designed to produce directed labeled graphs that mimic the characteristics of those graphs of real data. A detailed description of the schema produced by datagen, as well as the format of the output files, can be found in the latest version of official LDBC SNB specification document

Actually what you care about is described as a list of csv files. Those CSV files will be generated ( based on the configuration you provide, read below) during the building of the image.

The generation process

To obtain such data one should:

  1. install hadoop, and configure it;
  2. download gremlin;
  3. download ldbc_gen code, and configure it;
  4. run the ldbc_gen code to produce the CSV files;
  5. parse it and convert it to a format compatible with tinkerpop 3.

Detailed steps are in the Dockerfile, sample configuration is in th extra directory. Hence, the docker file, when building, will carry out steps 1 to 4, then when you run the docker image with th default command, it will perform the last step.

Structure of the repo

    ├── README.md                            # This document
    ├── images                               # Where the image code is
    │   ├── gremlin-ldbc_gen.dockerfile      # The hero of the story
    │   │      
    │   └── extra                            # Files needed in the setup
    │       ├── activate-sugar-tp3.groovy    # Sugar plug-in in the Tp3 Console
    │       ├── ldbc.large.params.ini        # Use this to get a large dataset
    │       ├── ldbc.params.ini              # Those are default, very small
    │       ├── mapred-site.xml              # The MEMORY conf. for Hadoop
    │       └── safe.sh                      # This as above: MEMORY 4 Hadoop
    └── runtime                              # This folder will be loaded INSIDE# the docker image, if you need # any file, put it here
        ├── data                             # Output data will appear here
        └── ldbc.groovy                      # The parsing of th CSV and the 
                                             # conversion is performed by this 


The zero step is having docker up and running with all the required permissions for the current user. The default configuration will try to use 4096MB of main memory, and will generate a very tiny dataset for 100 users with 1 year of activity. If you need more control, read more about the Generator parameters, and about how to configure memory for hadoop. Or you can see below.


There are two ways to configure the size of the desired data output: by setting the scale factor or by setting the number of persons, starting year and the number of years the data generated span.

Standard configuration is for a very small dataset, with 100 users and 1 year of activiy (see images/extra/ldbc.params.ini)




This will run easily with 1GB of main memory. If you want more data, change those two parameters, you can see a larger configuration in the images/extra/ldbc.large.params.ini file.

Build the image

You can build the image, in images, with:

cd images
docker build -t gremlin/ldbc_gen -f gremlin-ldbc_gen.dockerfile .

This will do all the steps above, among which running hadoop and generating the data. After gnerating the .csv files with hadoop the next step is to parse each one of them, and import their content into nodes and/or edges. This second part is carried out by a gremlin/groovy script, the runtime/ldbc.groovy, based upon the work of Jonathan Ellithorpe (ellitron) at PlatformLab. The scripts is run by the gremlin.sh console. In this way, the image can be used a first time, with the default command (line 84 of gremlin-ldbc_gen.dockerfile: CMD ["gremlin.sh", "-e", "/runtime/ldbc.groovy"]), to generate the Tinkerpop-compatible datasets.

So, to obtain the converted data, run, inside the root of the repo, the following command:

docker run  -v `pwd`/runtime:/runtime -e JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms1G -Xmn128M -Xmx4G' gremlin/ldbc_gen

The data is exported in two different formats to the directory ./runtime/data. You can read lines 450-464 in runtime/ldbc.groovy, and comment out the part you do not need.

The third step, is to run it in interactive mode running the gremlin console.

docker run  -it -v `pwd`/runtime:/runtime -e JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms1G -Xmn128M -Xmx32G' gremlin/ldbc_gen gremlin.sh


You can also use the docker image also to run query on top of the data.

docker run  -it -v `pwd`/runtime:/runtime -e JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms1G -Xmn128M -Xmx4G'  -e DATASET=/runtime/data/social_network.json  gremlin/ldbc_gen gremlin.sh -e /runtime/queries/count-edges.groovy