
A simple configuration parser based on Pydantic, for experimenters.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


pypi Python 3.10


pip install expedantic

Basic Usage

from expedantic import ConfigBase

# Define a config model
class MyConfig(ConfigBase):
    device: str = 'cuda:0'
    learning_rate: float = 1.0e-3
    num_epochs: int = 100

# Save and load from yaml files
my_config = MyConfig()
my_config = MyConfig.load_from_yaml("config.yaml")

# For a given function or class,
def learn(device: str, learning_rate: float, num_epochs: int):

# Consume the config by getting kwargs automatically.

# Or pass manually
learn(my_config.device, my_config.learning_rate, my_config.num_epochs)


Find some examples here.


  • Type validation using pydantic.

  • JSON schema generation for autocompletion on yaml files. You can facilitate efficient yaml editing on IDEs such as VS Code.

    For the VS Code usage, the following steps enable the autocompletion on yaml files for configuration models.

    1. Generate a schema.
    from pathlib import Path
    from typing import Annotated, Literal
    from expedantic import ConfigBase, Field
    class Config(ConfigBase):
        algorithm: Literal["TRPO", "PPO", "SAC", "TD3"] = "TRPO"
        target_kl: Annotated[
                title="Target Kullback-Leibler divergence between updates.",
                description="Should be small for stability. Values like 0.01, 0.05.",
        ] = 0.01
    config = Config()
    1. Install the yaml language extension.

    2. Associating the schema

    yaml.schemas: {
        "schemas/config_schema.json": "configs/config.yaml",

    Check the further rules for association in the description of the extension.

    1. Enjoy! description autocompletion
  • Integrated argument parser with supporting nested key access:

    # run.py
    class MyInnerConfig(ConfigBase):
        inner_key: str = "inner_value"
    class MyConfig(ConfigBase):
        inner_config: MyInnerConfig = MyInnerConfig()
        outer_key: int = 10
    my_config = MyConfig.parse_args()
    python run.py --inner_config.inner_key "another inner value" --outer_key 20
  • !include directive support for yaml files:

    # base.yaml
    learning_rate: 3.0e-5
    num_epochs: 10
    device: cpu
    # derived.yaml
    <<: !include base.yaml
    device: cuda
    extra: True

    The content of derived.yaml is equivalent to the following:

    learning_rate: 3.0e-5
    num_epochs: 10
    device: cuda
    extra: True
  • Mutually exclusive configuration groups:

    from pydantic import ValidationError
    class Config(ConfigBase):
        _mutually_exclusive_sets = [{"make_algorithm_A_obsolete", "use_algorithm_A"}]
        make_algorithm_A_obsolete: bool = True
        use_algorithm_A: bool = False
        config = Config(make_algorithm_A_obsolete=True, use_algorithm_A=True)
    except ValidationError as e:
        1 validation error for Config
            Value error, Mutual exclusivity has broken. (set: {'make_algorithm_A_obsolete', 'use_algorithm_A'}) [type=value_error, input_value={'make_algorithm_A_obsolete': True, 'use_algorithm_A': True}, input_type=dict]