
📊 Ronan's #TidyTuesday blog. Reproducible examples of data wrangling, visualisation, and analysis in R. Written using distill for R Markdown.

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by Ronan Harrington

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This blog provides reproducible examples of data wrangling, visualisation, and analysis in R and is written using distill for R Markdown. Each post uses a #TidyTuesday data set; these data sets are provided by the R for Data Science (R4DS) community. This blog is deployed using netlify and all source files are available on GitHub. External links for each post as well as the R Markdown and R source files are provided in the README file, which also contains a Graph Gallery. Full article content via RSS is now available though the index.xml page.


Year Week Data Set Blog post R Markdown source R source External links
2022 29 Technology Adoption Adding continent and country names with {countrycode}, and subsetting a data frame using sample() technology-adoption.Rmd technology-adoption.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2022 28 European Flights How to write a function in R and apply it to a data frame using map functions from {purrr} european-flights.Rmd european-flights.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2022 27 San Francisco Rentals Reshaping data frames using pivot functions from {tidyr} and tally from {dplyr} sf-rents.Rmd sf-rents.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2022 3 Chocolate Bar ratings Text Mining Chocolate Bar Characteristics with {tidytext} chocolate-bar-ratings.Rmd chocolate-bar-ratings.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2022 2 Bee Colony losses Plotting Bee Colony Observations and Distributions using {ggbeeswarm} and {geomtextpath} bee-colony-losses.Rmd bee-colony-losses.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2021 34 Star Trek voice commands Text mining Star Trek dialogue and classifying characters using machine learning star-trek-voice-commands.Rmd star-trek-voice-commands.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2021 33 BEA Infrastructure Investment Adjusting variable distribution and exploring data using mass linear regression bea-infrastructure-investment.Rmd bea-infrastructure-investment.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2021 18 CEO Departures Predicting voluntary CEO departures using machine learning ceo-departures.Rmd ceo-departures.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2021 17 Netflix Titles Films with MPA ratings on Netflix netflix-titles.Rmd netflix-titles.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2021 16 US Post Offices Post offices in the USA from 1772 to 2000 us-post-offices.Rmd us-post-offices.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2021 15 Global Deforestation Plotting deforestation and its causes global-deforestation.Rmd global-deforestation.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2021 14 Makeup Shades Plotting foundations according to shade makeup-shades.Rmd makeup-shades.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2021 13 UN Votes UN Votes: Plotting votes on United Nations resolutions un-votes.Rmd un-votes.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2021 12 Video Games + Sliced Video Games and Sliced video-games-and-sliced.Rmd video-games-and-sliced.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com
2021 11 Bechdel Test Bechdel Test bechdel-test.Rmd bechdel-test.R @Rbloggers r-bloggers.com

Graph Gallery

R Markdown source Graph
technology-adoption.Rmd technology adoption plot 1
technology-adoption.Rmd technology adoption plot 2
european-flights.Rmd european flights plot
sf-rents.Rmd sf rents plot 1
sf-rents.Rmd sf rents plot 2
chocolate-bar-ratings.Rmd chocolate bar ratings plot 1
chocolate-bar-ratings.Rmd chocolate bar ratings plot 2
bee-colony-losses.Rmd bee colony losses plot 1
bee-colony-losses.Rmd bee colony losses plot 2
bee-colony-losses.Rmd bee colony losses plot 3
star-trek-voice-commands.Rmd star trek voice commands plot 1
star-trek-voice-commands.Rmd star trek voice commands plot 2
star-trek-voice-commands.Rmd star trek voice commands plot 3
star-trek-voice-commands.Rmd star trek voice commands plot 4
star-trek-voice-commands.Rmd star trek voice commands plot 5
bea-infrastructure-investment.Rmd bea infrastructure investment plot
ceo-departures.Rmd ceo departures plot 1
ceo-departures.Rmd ceo departures plot 2
netflix-titles.Rmd netflix titles plot 1
netflix-titles.Rmd netflix titles plot 2
netflix-titles.Rmd netflix titles plot 3
us-post-offices.Rmd us post offices plot 1
us-post-offices.Rmd us post offices plot 2
global-deforestation.Rmd global deforestation plot 1
global-deforestation.Rmd global deforestation plot 2
makeup-shades.Rmd makeup shades plot 1
makeup-shades.Rmd makeup shades plot 2
makeup-shades.Rmd makeup shades plot 3
un-votes.Rmd un votes plot 1
un-votes.Rmd un votes plot 2
un-votes.Rmd un votes plot 3
un-votes.Rmd un votes plot 4
video-games-and-sliced.Rmd video game plot 1
video-games-and-sliced.Rmd video game plot 2
bechdel-test.Rmd bechdel test plot 1
bechdel-test.Rmd bechdel test plot 2
bechdel-test.Rmd bechdel test plot 3
