
Data Generator for BigPetStore

Primary LanguagePostScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

BigPetStore Data Generator

BigPetStore ...

Data Generator ...

======= Building and Testing

We use the Gradle build system for the BPS data generator so you'll need to install Gradle on your system. Once that's done, you can use gradle to run the included unit tests and build the data generator jar.

To build:

$ gradle build

This will create several directories and a jar located at:


Building automatically runs the included unit tests. If you would prefer to just run the unit tests, you can do so by:

$ gradle test

To clean up the build files, run:

$ gradle clean

Running the Data Generator

The data generator can be used as a library (for incorporating in Hadoop or Spark applications) or using a command-line interface. The data generator CLI requires several parameters. To get descriptions:

$ java -jar build/libs/bigpetstore-data-generator-0.2.jar

Here is an example for generating 10 stores, 1000 customers, 100 purchasing models, and a year of transactions:

$ java -jar build/libs/bigpetstore-data-generator-0.2.jar generatedData/ 10 1000 100 365.0

Groovy Drivers for Scripting

Several Groovy example script drivers are included in the groovy_example_drivers directory. Groovy scripts can be used to easily call and interact with classes in the data generator jar without having to create separate Java projects or worry about compilation. I've found them to be very useful for interactive exploration and validating my implementations when unit tests alone aren't sufficient.

To use Groovy scripts, you will need to have Groovy installed on your system. Build the data generator as instructed above. Then run the scripts in the groovy_example_drivers directory as so:

$ groovy -classpath ../build/libs/bigpetstore-data-generator-0.2.jar MonteCarloExponentialSamplingExample.groovy

Using the Spark Driver

To build the Spark driver, you can use the included sbt files:

$ cd spark_driver
$ ./sbt assembly

Note that that assembly bundles all of the dependencies (including the BigPetStore data generator) jar into the assembly jar. This prevents dependency resolution problems at run time.

The Spark driver jar will now be located at spark_driver/target/scala-2.10/bigpetstore-spark-assembly-0.2.jar

To run the driver with Spark, run:

$ spark-submit --master local[2] --class com.github.rnowling.bps.datagenerator.spark.SparkDriver bigpetstore-spark-assembly-0.2.jar generated_data 10 1000 365.0