Web App

This app is deigned to be a social media site primarily focused on sharing pictures. Users can create an account, log in, create Pins and boards, and can add names, categories and descriptions

This app was built on a back end of Ruby on Rails, with a front end built with React.js and with the Redux implementation of Flux methodology. Amazon Web Services was used in order to host images uploaded to the application, and the application itself is hosted on herokuapp.

Future directions: This app needs to have its forms pop up in a modal. I can either use the existing log in modal, or make an entirely new one. In addition, the create Pin needs a little bit of work on the online side, as it does not accurately update. The create board form does not work yet, so I will implement that afterwards. After these, I will work on the Post show page quickly, and then follows, likes, and improve the algorithm for the explore pin index page.