
Primary LanguageR

polyreg, an Alternative to Neural Networks

Development of a package to automate formation and evaluation of multivariate polynomial regression models.

Motivation: A simpler, equally effective alternative to neural networks. in Polynomial Regression As an Alternative to Neural Nets, by Cheng, Khomtchouk, Matloff and Mohanty, 2018


Other than the various cross-validation functions, the main functions are polyfit() and predict.polyFit(). One can fit either regression or classification models, with an option to perform PCA for dimension reduction on the predictors/features.

Example: Programmer/engineer 2000 Census data, Silicon Valley.

Built in to the latest version of the regtools package. Install package or download directly here. In the former case, getPE() reads in the dataset and does some preprocessing, producing a data frame pe.

getPE()  # get dataset 
# predict wage income
# try simple example, only a few predictors; wageinc last
pe <- pe[,c(1,2,4,6,7,3)]
# take a look
#        age sex wkswrkd ms phd wageinc
# 1 50.30082   0      52  0   0   75000
# 2 41.10139   1      20  0   0   12300
pfout <- polyFit(pe,2)  # quadratic model
# predict wage of person age 40, male, 52 weeks worked, BS degree
# need in data frame form, same names
newx <- pe[1,]  # dummy 1-row data frame
newx <- newx[,-6]  # no Y value
newx$age <- 40
newx$sex <- 1
#   age sex wkswrkd ms phd
# 1  40   1      52  0   0
predict(pfout,newx)  # about $68K

Example: Vertebral Column data from the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository. Various spinal measurements, with three conditions, Normal, Disk Hernia and Spondylolisthesis. Let's predict the conditions.

# vert <- read.table('~/Research/DataSets/Vertebrae/column_3C.dat',header=FALSE)
vert$V7 <- as.character(vert$V7)  # Y must be a vector, not a factor
#      V1    V2    V3    V4     V5    V6 V7
# 1 63.03 22.55 39.61 40.48  98.67 -0.25 DH
# 2 39.06 10.06 25.02 29.00 114.41  4.56 DH
# 3 68.83 22.22 50.09 46.61 105.99 -3.53 DH
# 4 69.30 24.65 44.31 44.64 101.87 11.21 DH
# 5 49.71  9.65 28.32 40.06 108.17  7.92 DH
# 6 40.25 13.92 25.12 26.33 130.33  2.23 DH
pfout <- polyFit(vert,2,use='glm')
newx <- vert[1,-7]
newx[1] <- 30  # what if V1 were only 30 for case 1?
#   V1    V2    V3    V4    V5    V6
# 1 30 22.55 39.61 40.48 98.67 -0.25
# [1] "NO"

Forward stepwise regression is also available with FSR which also accepts polynomial degree and interaction as inputs.

out <- FSR(iris)

set seed to -162982340.

The dependent variable is 'Species' which will be treated as multinomial.  The data contains 150 observations (N_train == 113 and N_test == 37), which were split using seed -162982340. The data contains 4 continuous features and 2 dummy variables. Between 6 and 105 models will be estimated. Each model will add a feature, which will be included in subsequent models if it explains at least an additional 0.01 of variance out-of-sample (after adjusting for the additional term on [0, 1]).

Multinomial models will be fit with 'setosa' (the sample mode of the training data) as the reference category.

beginning Forward Stepwise Regression...

# weights:  9 (4 variable)
initial  value 124.143189 
iter  10 value 66.077933
iter  20 value 65.630757
iter  30 value 65.615252
final  value 65.614681 

The added feature WAS accepted into model 1 

(training) AIC: 139.2294 
(training) BIC: 144.6841 
(test) classification accuracy: 0.7027027 

######### (output abbreviated) ##########

The output has a data.frame out$models that contains measures of fit and information about each model, such as the formula call. The output is also a nested list such that if the output is called 'out', out$model1, out$model2, and so on, contain further metadata. The predict method will automatically use the model with the best validated fit but individual models can also be selected like so:

predict(out, newdata = Xnew, model_to_use = 3) 

FSR() contains a handful of parameters which make the function more or less 'optimistic' about estimating new models. threshold_include sets the minimum improvment on the best model to include new features (default 0.01 in adjusted R^2^ for continuous outcomes and accuracy for multinomial outcomes, with the same adjustment applied). threshold_estimate, is the treshold to keep adding additional features on the same scale. For categorical outcomes, a linear probability model can also be estimated via Ordinary Least Squares for speed.

out <- FSR(iris, linear_estimation=TRUE)