
Primary LanguageShell

NOALBS/SRT Server Setup for Belabox (Jetson)

The streaming folder contains the docker compose for running the containers that are needed on the endpoint side (e.g. at home or cloud).


1.1.0: updated version numbering for semver compliance

1.1: applied critical patch from b3cks repo

1.0: first docker release


  • OBS
  • OBS WebSocket plugin and configure it with a password (can be randomly generate and saved into the config.json)
  • Docker for your OBS machine OS: macOS, Windows, Linux
  • Docker compose
  • Router that can Port-Forward to your OBS/SRT receiver machine (also check local firewall of the machine)


docker-compose up -d
  • If you're hosting this on a home router, make sure to add a port forwarding rule for port 5000/UDP to your OBS/SRT computer, you need to set a DHCP reservation on your home router for your OBS/SRT computer so that it always gets the same address. As those settings vary a lot between different router manufacturers, it's hard to make a comprehensive a guide on this, but a quick Google search with your router brand and "port forward" or "dhcp static/reservation" should help you. In case you can't set a DHCP reservation for your computer, set it manually on your computer (and try to avoid setting it to an IP that could be served by the DHCP range of your routeur).

Stopping the server

docker-compose down


Just update the .env file and increase the version number (see changelog) and rerun.

docker compose up -d

config.json explanation

Parameter Note
obs.ip Public or private IP of your OBS instance appended with ":4444"
obs.password password for the websocket plugin of OBS
rtmp.server type of server you're using, can be: "srt-live-server", "node-media-server", "nimble"
rtmp.stats URL for your stats server, use your OBS machine LAN IP
rtmp.publisher path used to publish your stream (should be the same string as configured in belaUI)
twitchChat.botUsername Username of the Twitch account you want to use for chat notifications and to accept commands
twitchChat.oauth you can get an oAuth token from https://twitchapps.com/tmi/
twitchChat.adminUsers list of Twitch chat users in your channel that are considered admins

OBS Confguration

Make sure you have set up the scenes in OBS with the correct names (LIVE, BRB, LOW, REFRESH). Tweak the scenes to your taste. On the LIVE scene, add a media source with the following properties:

  • Uncheck local file
  • srt://localhost:30000/?streamid=PUBLISHER
  • Input format should be mpegts
  • Check the Seekable checkbox


  • You can still access the normal srt server without bonding feature using udp port 30000 as a fallback (you'd need to add that to portforwarding though).
  • You can access the stats page via the ip of your windows machine using port 8282 in your browser if you need to fetch the statistics (bitrate/tts) that can be used in OBS.
  • This setup is highly flexible - if you don't wanna use noalbs just configure the docker-compose.yml file and replace it with some other SRT solution. you can just re-configure ports and the container name via environment variables that are used in the entrypoint.sh file.


The other folders contain the docker build files for streaming on a jetson nano and srt setup to send stream data to the build folder contains the docker compose for building all the containers everything is opensource, there are no secrets about the setup.