
Pingdom web monitoring to slack notifications (including error message)

Primary LanguagePython


Small app to hook pingdom app monitoring to slack. The goal is to add the error message when one of your site is down.


The environment variables used are:

Environment variable Description Type Default
SLACK_WEBHOOK Slack webhook. Required
PINGDOM_TOKEN Pingdom token for v3.1 API Required
TITLE_EMOJI_DOWN Emoji to use in the title, when the notification is by DOWN Optional :warning:
TITLE_EMOJI_UP Emoji to use in the title, when the notification is by UP Optional :ok:

With Docker

sudo docker run -d -e SLACK_WEBHOOK=https://***** -e PINGDOM_TOKEN=***** -p 5000:5000 rcovarru/pingdom2slack

Standalone app

virtualenv -p python3.8 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
export SLACK_WEBHOOK=https://*****
export PINGDOM_TOKEN=*****

Development server

export FLASK_APP=pingdom2slack.py
flask run --host=

Production server

gunicorn --bind= pingdom2slack:app


You can run the app with a specific env variables FLASK_DEBUG=1 to enable debug logging.

Compile requirements

pip install pip-tools
pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt requirements.in

Build & Run

docker build -t pingdom2slack:local .

docker run -e SLACK_WEBHOOK=https://***** -e PINGDOM_TOKEN=***** -p 5000:5000 pingdom2slack:local

Basic testing

Pingdom webhooks are available in official documentation.

And local testing example is:

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @payload/http.json localhost:5000/test_channel