
Adventure game engine for the Android platform

Primary LanguageJava



Miskatonic is an adventure game engine for Android. It reads game structure and logic from an XML-based file format called ASTRAAL; logic is expressed through a weak DSL called AAL (Android Adventure Language). At the moment, this repository and the engine are written to support a game called The Hundred-Year Horror; however, a major milestone for continuing the project is removing any HYH-specific code and fully genericizing the engine.



This project was developed in Eclipse using the Android plugins from Google. Visit [http://developer.android.com/] for more information on that.


Checkout the repository to anywhere on your system, then open up Eclipse and use File -> Import, select Existing Projects Into Workspace, and select the repository's location as the root directory on the next screen.


In Eclipse, you should be able to just right-click the project and select Run As -> Android Application.