This is a blank django-backend/react-frontend web application that uses webpack to manage static files. Django-rest-framework is setup so that you can make API requests for data from the frontend. Also, css is being loaded through the javascript require syntax through webpack. Base React-Django App
Setup environment
First, setup a python virtualenv (pip install virtualenv
) with the following command:
virtualenv name_of_project
Then go into the environment and activate it with the following command (for macs, pcs are something else):
source bin/activate
Now clone the repository into your virtualenv:
git clone
Now change into the repository folder for the next steps.
Install dependencies
Run the following commands while your virtualenv is activated and you are in the top level directory of the repository:
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install
Configure Local Webpack Path (for mac/pc compatability)
Create a file in the top-level called 'mac-pc-compatability.js'.
If you are using a mac, paste the following code into the file: module.exports = "."
If you are using a pc, paste the following code into the file: module.exports = "../.."
Launch Server
To launch server you need to launch the webpack server + django server:
Webpack cmd (MAC):
./node_modules/.bin/webpack --config webpack.config.js --watch
Webpack cmd (PC): first change directories into node_modules/.bin/ and run the following
webpack --config ../../webpack-config.js --watch
Django cmd:
python runserver