Add a Kirbytag to Kirby CMS to embed PDFs in Text fields.
Copy pdf.php
inside tags
to Kirby’s site/tags/
- pdf: Filename of the uploaded PDF.
- class: Optional class name. The default is
You can use this KirbyText tag in your text as:
(pdf: my-pdf-file.pdf class: my-class)
This creates the following code:
<object class="my-class" data=".../my-pdf-file.pdf" type="application/pdf">
This browser doesn’t support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: <a href=".../my-pdf-file.pdf" title="PDF herunterladen" target="_blank">Download PDF</a>.
To change the fallback text, set this in the configuration:
c::set('pdf.fallback', 'Dieser Browser unterstützt keine PDFs. Bitte laden Sie das PDF herunter, um es anzusehen:');
c::set('pdf.fallback_action', 'PDF herunterladen');