
A template for new Symfony applications using Docker: ./install.sh && 🚀

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Symfony & Docker

A template for new Symfony applications using Docker.

Default Stack

  • MySQL (default for development)


sh -c "./install.sh; curl -I http://localhost:8080"
  • Bare Symfony defaults
  • Testing and Quality-Assurance built-in
  • Out-of-the-box production optimized images
  • Built-in secret management
  • Multiple staging environments by design
  • No hosting / release process assumptions
  • Decoupled "devops"
  • Reverse proxy with SSL and HTTP2 for development
  • Catch-all mail for development

Production Guidelines

  • Use a persistent database service from your cloud provider
  • Setup a reverse proxy for SSL termination on a load balancer

The devops/ Directory

The devops/ directory holds all DevOps related concepts, thus separately from the application concern.

ℹ️ Don't mix&match .env files, considering each concern can rely on a different parsing technique (ref)

⚠️ Never commit secret values for non-dev concerns


The environment/ directory holds all the application its staging environments, each containing a docker-compose.yaml file at least. Its concern is to compose the final application logic based upon infrastructural services.

The following environment variables are automatically available in docker-compose.yaml:

To customize a staging environment use:

cp -n devops/environment/dev/.env.dist devops/environment/dev/.env

To create a new staging environment (e.g. prod) use:

cp -R devops/environment/dev devops/environment/prod

ℹ️ Do not confuse staging environments with the application environment (it's a matrix where conceptually each application environment can run on any staging environment, either remote or locally)

👍 Consider standard DTAP environments a best practice (this template assumes dev, test, accept and prod respectively)

The base Environment

All environments implicitly inherit from base due Docker Compose -f. Consider docker-compose always being invoked as such:

docker-compose \
    -f devops/environment/base/docker-compose.yaml \
    -f devops/environment/$STAGING_ENV/docker-compose.yaml \
    --project-directory devops/environment/$STAGING_ENV

Due the way Docker Compose works the base environment defines the minimal set of available services across all other staging environments.

Specific services, as well as service overrides, can be placed in a staging environment its own docker-compose.yaml file (e.g. only needed for prod).

The default services, built from the base Dockerfile, can be extended for a specific staging environment (e.g. dev) at build-time using Docker multi-stage builds. The default app service is configured as such by default:

# base
      # ...
      target: "app-${STAGING_ENV:?}"

This creates a flexible build pattern where you can leverage either ARG staging_env and build generics into the base image (if/else, "file-${staging_env}.conf", etc.), or specifically within a scoped stage (e.g. FROM app-base AS app-dev).

👍 Avoid overriding the default build configuration (effectively it is a huge copy-paste)

👍 Don't extend from the base image directly (e.g. FROM "${project}_app") (it will will use the last image built, not the one currently being build)


The docker/ directory holds all infrastructural services, each containing a Dockerfile at least. Its concern is to prepare a minimal environment, required for the application to run.

ℹ️ A Dockerfile can obtain its targeted staging environment from a build argument (i.e. ARG staging_env)

👍 Consider a single service per concept a best practice, use Docker multi-stage builds for sub-concepts

Host Setup

To COPY files from outside the build context the host OS is prepared first.

Prior to any build (to ensure freshness) setup.sh is automatically invoked from the following locations (in order of execution):

  • devops/docker/<service>/setup.sh
    • Use it to download files, create default directories, etc.
  • devops/environment/base/setup.sh
    • Use it to build default infrastructural images from devops/docker/, "pre-pull" external images, etc.
  • devops/environment/<targeted-staging-env>/setup.sh
    • Use it to build environment specific infrastructural images from devops/docker/, etc.

The following environment variables are automatically available:

To invoke the setup on-demand use:

make setup

ℹ️ This creates a two-way process and allows to scale infrastructure as needed (e.g. use pre-built images from your organization's Docker Hub instead)

Source Archives

During setup, the devops/docker/archive service creates a GIT archive from the current source code. This archive is distributed using a minimal image (e.g FROM scratch) and allows application services to obtain and unpack it on demand (e.g. COPY --from=archive).

Effectively this creates a final application image with source code included (e.g. production/distribution ready). For development local volumes are configured.

Secret Management

The base environment manages a bucket.json file with secret values per staging environment located in devops/environment/<staging_env>/secrets/. The bucket is available in the container using Docker Secrets. By default the APP_SECRET key is created if not defined.

Custom secrets can be managed using the JSON utility helper:

devops/bin/json.sh devops/environment/dev/secrets/bucket.json '{"SOME_SECRET": "default value"}'

# force overwrite value
devops/bin/json.sh -f devops/environment/dev/secrets/bucket.json '{"SOME_SECRET": "value"}'

# read value
value=$(devops/bin/json.sh -r devops/environment/dev/secrets/bucket.json SOME_SECRET)

# export .env file
devops/bin/json.sh -e devops/environment/dev/secrets/bucket.json devops/environment/dev/secrets/bucket.env

The OpenSSL binary is available using:

devops/bin/openssl.sh genrsa ...

ℹ️ The environment variables from bucket.env are sourced as real environment variables on start-up

Create Application

Bootstrap the initial skeleton first:

# latest stable

# specify stable
SF=x.y ./install.sh
SF=x.y.z ./install.sh

# install Symfony full
FULL=1 ./install.sh

# with initial GIT commit
GIT=1 ./install.sh

ℹ️ The installer uses the Symfony client if available, or Composer otherwise

⚠️ Cleanup the installer:

rm install.sh

And done 🎉, you can continue with step 4.

ℹ️ Start from step 1 after a fresh clone

1. Build Application

To create a default development build use:

make build

Build the application for a specific staging environment using:

STAGING_ENV=prod make build

ℹ️ The STAGING_ENV variable is global and can be applied to all make commands (dev by default)

Tagging Images

After the build images are tagged latest by default. Any other form of tagging (e.g. semantic versioning) is out of scope of this template repository.

👍 Consider tagging images by VCS tag a best practice (e.g. image:v1 is an artifact of the v1 GIT tag)

Naming Conventions

The default project name is <project-dirname>_<staging-env> by convention. Infrastructural services are "slash" suffixed (e.g. .../php), whereas application services are "underscored" (e.g. ..._app or ..._db).

👍 Consider the project name a local reference, use docker tag for alternative (distribution) names (e.g. org/product-name:v1)

Application Containers

Step 2-4 applies to running containers (with Docker Compose) from the images built previous (i.e. an "up&running" application).

Conceptually we can create a containerized landscape from each staging environment's perspective, using STAGING_ENV=prod make start (see below).

The good part is, it uses the production optimized images (thus great for local testing). The bad part however is, this may work completely different for the true production environment" (e.g. with Kubernetes).

See also What is a Container Orchestrator, Anyway?

👍 For a truly "dockerized" setup, consider Docker Compose files the source of truth, use e.g. devops/environment/prod/kubernetes to store any specific concept configurations

👍 Ultimately double configuration bookkeeping should be avoided, use environment variables, tools such as Kompose, etc.

2. Start Application

To start the application locally in development mode use:

make start

Consider a restart to have fresh containers once started:

make restart

3. Install Application

Install the application for development using:

make install

Consider a refresh (build/start/install) to install the application from scratch:

make refresh

4. Run Application

Visit the application in development mode:

Check e-mail:

Start a shell using:

make shell

# enter web service (i.e. NGINX)
SERVICE=web make shell

Start a MySQL client using:

make mysql


One-Off Commands

sh -c "$(make exec) app ls"

Alternatively, use make run to create a temporary container and run as root user by default.

sh -c "$(make run) --no-deps app whoami"


Display current docker-compose configuration and/or its images using:

make composed-config
make composed-images

Follow service logs:

make log

Verify Symfony Requirements

After any build it might be considered to verify if Symfony requirements are (still) met using:

make requirement-check

Doctrine Recipe

A set of make targets for usage with DoctrineBundle.

	${app_console} doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists
	${app_console} doctrine:migrations:migrate --allow-no-migration -n
db-sync: db-migrate
	${app_console} doctrine:schema:update --force
db-fixtures: db-sync
	${app_console} doctrine:fixtures:load -n

