Automatically adjust textarea width/height based on user input. Non-sucking version.
- 0
Dynamically added textarea
#30 opened by icechat - 8
Incorrect vertical autogrow
#23 opened by Aljnk - 3
Problems using with bootstrap tabs
#10 opened by telimbectar - 3
Demo does not grow in any dimension?
#29 opened by SynerSoft - 2
Autogrow shadow not cleaning up after itself
#25 opened by ra00l-ifacts - 0
- 2
#24 opened by maluhy - 3
on textarea resize
#17 opened by clarkk - 3
ROWS attribute is ignored
#22 opened by sur1969 - 5
tabs are ignored
#21 opened by Disc0Smurf - 17
not function properly on 100% width textarea
#4 opened by leizard - 1
You have not been thanked
#18 opened by boutell - 0
initiate autogrow when element has display:none
#16 opened by clarkk - 2
extra rows when textarea is initiated with content
#15 opened by clarkk - 2
#14 opened by ctrlmaniac - 4
Very, very slow with many textareas
#13 opened by vitobotta - 0
Update npm package and add bower
#11 opened by ctrlmaniac - 1
even the Non-sucking version sucks :)
#9 opened by helgator - 3
vertical scroll bar flashing
#6 opened by ZaneCEO - 0
Imcompatible with jQuery UI Resizable lib
#5 opened by ltlombardi - 2
max height or max width grow
#3 opened by leizard - 1
- 3
Extra line
#1 opened by baileyherbert