
Library discontinued. Consider using https://github.com/Lattyware/elm-fontawesome

Primary LanguageElm

Icons from FontAwesome

The roSievers/font-awesome library provides Font Awesome icons for use with elm-html.

The module FontAwesome.Icons exposes all available icon classes from the Font Awesome project. The initial "fa-" is droped and hyphens are replaced by underscores. The function toHtml is used to turn an Icon into a <span> with corresponding Font Awesome classes.

import FontAwesome exposing (Icon, toHtml)
import FontAwesome.Icons as Fa

cake_icon = Fa.birthday_cake : Icon

cake_html = toHtml Fa.birthday_cake : Html msg

You can modify the intermediate Icon value before turning it into Html.

import FontAwesome.Modifiers as FaMod

myIcon =
    |> FaMod.double
    |> FaMod.rotate90
    |> toHtml

This corresponds to a scaled and rotated birthday cake icon. The Html is as follows:

<span class="fa fa-birthday-cake fa-2x fa-rotate-90"></span>

Installing Font Awesome

Make sure to embed the Font Awesome style sheet into your application. There are several ways to do this. This README can be improved by giving a short tutorial on this.

What is missing from the current release

This package aims to implement everything from the example page of Font Awesome but a few things are still missing. (Mostly because I don't need them myself.)

  • List Icons
  • Stacked Icons
  • Custom CSS classes in Icons