
Implements the game Sogo (Four in a row 3D) in Rust to write some AIs.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Implements the game Sogo (Four in a row 3D) in Rust to write some AIs. I plan to implement a version where you try to score "Six in a parallelogram" instead. It was my first larger project when I started to learn rust.

Building Build Status

> cargo build --release
> ./target/release/sogo


Executing just sogo drops you in a match agains a default AI. You can specify the AI you want to play agains with the -p parameter. Currently there are the following options:

> -p random
> -p mc <endurance>
> -p tree <depth>

Sensible values are -p mc 16000 and -p tree 3.

You can also run many AI vs AI matches using the batch subcommand. Here -p and -q specify the white and black players as above and -n specifies how many matches you want to play out.