Project :: GnuCobol 2.0 R2 on Alpine Linux.

To Bring more visibility to this Project and make it easier to build and Dockerizer it

Vagrant Build Environment

Alpine Linux v3.4 (3.4.0) Development Environment Vagrant 1.8.5 with Virtual Box provisioner

  • Thing to note: Alpine out of the box does not support virtual box additions.*
  • Thus I use NFS config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "nfs" * ** Additional Note here when you vagrant up the box it will ask for a Admin/root access **

Vagrant up should result in a complete build of gnu_cobol in /home/vagrant/chroot

Docker Environment

Docker 17.03.1-ce

  • docker build ./


Building Gnu Cobol.

  1. Vagrant up
  2. vagrant ssh
  3. cd chroot
  4. bin/cobc -V

Basically, I did all the hard work in the Vagrant File lines 26 - 29.


The Dockerfiles in this repository are licensed under the GPL 2 or later.