
This assumes that you have downloaded Vagrant (, Oracle VM VirtualBox (, and Docker (

Starting your VM

Create Vagrant Directory and switch to that directory

  $mkdir ~/vagrant
  $cd ~/vagrant 

Place the Vagrantfile here and create a htdocs directory parallel to that file

  $touch Vagrantfile #place code from this repo here
  $mkdir htdocs

Switch to htdocs directory and create a index.html file

  $cd htdocs
  $touch index.html #place code from this repo here

Switch back to ~/vagrant and vagrant up after that ssh into your VM

  $cd ..
  $vagrant up
  $vagrant ssh

Install Docker

  $sudo yum -y update #Update installed packages
  $sudo yum -y install docker-io #Installing Docker
  $sudo service docker start #Starting Docker

Building your Docker image and starting Apache (remain inside vagrant ssh)

Create Docker directory and add Dockerfile

  $mkdir Docker
  $cd Docker
  $touch Dockerfile #place code from repo here

Build your first Docker container image while in Docker directory

  $sudo docker build -t myimage/base . #This will create an image called myimage/base 
                                           in the current directory

Create a file called supervisord.conf in current directory

  $touch supervisord.conf #Place contents of file in repo here

Change contents of Dockerfile to reflect installing http server

  FROM myimage/base
  RUN yum -y install httpd
  ADD supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf
  EXPOSE 22 80 
  CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]

Build another Docker image to reflect http server layer

 $sudo docker build -t -i myimage/httpd . #This creates an image called myimage/httpd

Run the http server

 $sudo docker run -p 80:80 -v /vagrant/htdocs:/var/www/html -t -i myimage/httpd

Open a browser and test

Go to http://localhost:8080 in your browser