
18F Identity Provider (IdP)

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Identity-IdP (Upaya)

Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage security accessibility

A Identity Management System powering login.gov.

Local development


Testing dependencies:

Setting up and running the app

  1. Make sure you have a working development environment with all the dependencies installed. On OS X, the easiest way to set up a development environment is by running our Laptop script. The script will install all of this project's dependencies.

  2. Make sure Postgres and Redis are running.

For example, if you've installed the laptop script on OS X, you can start the services like this:

$ brew services start redis
$ brew services start postgres
  1. Run the following command to set up the environment:
$ make setup

This command copies sample configuration files, installs required gems and sets up the database.

  1. Run the app server with:
$ make run

Before making any commits, you'll also need to run overcommit --sign. This verifies that the commit hooks defined in our .overcommit.yml file are the ones we expect. Each change to the .overcommit.yml file, including the initial install performed in the setup script, will necessitate a new signature.

For more information, see overcommit

If you want to develop without and internet connection, you can set RAILS_OFFLINE=1 in your environment. This disables the mx record check on email addresses.

If you want to measure the app's performance in development, set the rack_mini_profiler option to 'on' in config/application.yml and restart the server. See the rack_mini_profiler gem for more details.

Testing Analytics

If you want to visualize and query the event and log data, you can install the latest versions of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. On OS X, the easiest way is with Homebrew:

brew tap homebrew/services

brew install elasticsearch logstash kibana # or brew upgrade if already installed

brew services start elasticsearch
brew services start kibana

Start logstash by running this command from this repo's root directory:

logstash -f logstash.conf

When you trigger an event in the app (such as signing in), you should see some output in the logstash window.

To explore the data with Kibana, visit http://localhost:5601

Using Docker

  1. Download, install, and launch Docker

  2. Set up the Docker image

$ bin/setup --docker

More useful Docker commands:

  • Start the container: docker-compose up
  • Stop this running container: docker-compose stop
  • Stop and delete the containers: docker-compose down
  • Open a shell in the web container: docker-compose run --rm web bash

See the Docker Compose docs for more information.

Viewing the app locally

Once it is up and running, the app will be accessible at http://localhost:3000/ by default.

To view email messages, Mailcatcher must be running. You can check if it's running by visiting http://localhost:1080/. To run Mailcatcher:

$ mailcatcher

If you would like to run the application on a different port:

  • Change the port number for mailer_domain_name and domain_name in config/application.yml
  • Run the app on your desired port like make run PORT=1234

If you would like to see the Spanish translations on a particular page, add ?locale=es to the end of the URL, such as http://localhost:3000/?locale=es. Currently, you'll need to add ?locale=es to each URL manually. We are working on a more robust and user-friendly way to switch between locales.

Running Tests

Make sure you have PhantomJS installed prior to running tests. On OS X, PhantomJS can be installed with Homebrew via: brew install phantomjs. For other platforms, refer to the PhantomJS download page.

To run all the tests:

$ make test

To run a subset of tests excluding slow tests (such as accessibility specs):

$ make fast_test

See RSpec docs for more information.

JavaScript unit tests will run automatically. However, when authoring JS specs, it is significantly faster to run them in the browser, as the whole test environment doesn't have to boot up each time. To view JS tests in the browser, visit /teaspoon/default while the application server is running.

Run security scanner

$ make brakeman

User flows

We have an automated tool for generating user flows using real views generated from the application. These specs are excluded from our typical spec run because of the overhead of generating screenshots for each view.

The local instance of the application must be running in order to serve up the assets (eg. make run). Then, you can specify where the assets are hosted from and generate the views with:

$ RAILS_ASSET_HOST=localhost:3000 rake spec:user_flows

Then, visit http://localhost:3000/user_flows in your browser!


The user flows tool also has an export feature which allows you to export everything for the web. You may host these assets with someting like simplehttpserver or publish to Federalist. To publish user flows for Federalist, first make sure the application is running locally (eg. localhost:3000) and run:

$ RAILS_ASSET_HOST=localhost:3000 FEDERALIST_PATH=/site/user/repository rake spec:user_flows:web

This will output your site to public/site/user/repository for quick publishing to Federalist. To test compatibility, run simplehttpserver from the app's public folder and visit http://localhost:8000/<FEDERALIST PATH>/user_flows in your browser.

Load testing

We provide some Locust.io Python scripts you can run to test how the app responds to load. You'll need to have Python and pyenv-virtualenvwrapper installed on your machine. If you're on a Mac, the easiest way to set up Python and pyenv-virtualenvwrapper is to run the laptop script.

Next, you'll need to set the following values in your local application.yml:

disable_email_sending: 'true'
enable_load_testing_mode: 'true'
telephony_disabled: 'true'

Then, run the app with make run, and in a new Terminal tab or window, run:

make load_test type=create_account

This will simulate 3 concurrent users going through the entire account creation flow and then signing out. To change the number of concurrent users, number of requests, and the rate at which users are created, modify the -c, -n, and -r Locust parameters in bin/load_test. Run locust --help for more details.

By default, the test will target the host running at http://localhost:3000. To change the target host, set the TARGET_HOST environment variable. For example:

TARGET_HOST=https://awesome.loadtesting.com make load_test type=create_account

Proofing vendors

Some proofing vendor code is located in private Github repositories because of NDAs. You can still use it in your local development environment if you have access to the private repository.


Check out the private repository for somevendorname

$ cd vendor
$ git clone git@github.com:18F/identity-somevendorname-api-client-gem.git somevendorname

Add the vendor configuration

Add appropriate vendor environment variables to config/application.yml -- see a member of the login.gov team for credentials and other values.

Why 'Upaya'?

"skill in means" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upaya

Managing translation files

To help us handle extra newlines and make sure we wrap lines consistently, we have a script called ./script/normalize-yaml that helps format YAML consistently. After importing translations (or making changes to the *.yml files with strings, run this for the IDP app:

$ make normalize_yaml