
Improved Random Estimation of covariance matrix/ Precision matrix

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Implement the improved covariance estimation for large class of metrics from paper 'Random Matrix Improved Covariance Estimation for a Large Class of Metrics, ICML 2019'

2 versions of the code:

Version 1 Implementation of the algorithm 2 for linear shrinkage initialization--> Faster implementation

Version 2 Implementation of the algorithm 1 for general initialization


Implement the improved covariance estimation for large class of metrics

2 versions of the code:

Version 1 Implementation of the algorithm 2 for linear shrinkage initialization--> Faster implementation

Version 2 Implementation of the algorithm 1 for genral initialization

Archive content

1- The function implementing our method is called \texttt{RMTest.m} which takes as arguments the data matrix \texttt{X}, the \texttt{gradient_check} and \texttt{plot_cost} options, the initial point \texttt{C_0} and the distance under investigation. The function returns the estimated covariance matrix \texttt{C_est} and the cost function related to this estimated covariance.

2- The main script comparing all algorithms for synthetic data is \texttt{CompareEst.m}.

3- The main script comparing the estimation methods for the LDA/QDA application is \texttt{ML_applications.m}.

4- folder \texttt{Manopt}: a Matlab toolbox for optimization on manifolds \cite{manopt}. Some of the functions in this folder were adapted to better suit our present problem.

5- folder \texttt{Othermethods}: containing alternative estimation methods among which the QuEST methods QuEST1 and QuEST2 from \cite{LW15,LW18}, the Rao-Blackwell Ledoit-Wolf estimation methods \cite{chen2010shrinkage} and the Oracle Approximating Shrinkage estimation method \cite{chen2010shrinkage}.

6- folder \texttt{Utilities}: contains supplementary codes for the implementation of LDA,QDA.

Code CompareEst.m

The different options proposed to execute the script \texttt{CompareEst.m} comparing the different estimation algorithms are as follows:

1- The range of $n$ and the value of $p$

2- The covariance matrices metric ``\texttt{distance}'' (among \texttt{Fisher, Battacharrya, KL, log, log1st, t}) or for the precision matrices (among \texttt{Inverse_Fisher, ,Inverse_Battacharrya,Inverse_KL,} \texttt{Inverse_log1st, Inverse_log,Inverse_t})

Archive content

1- The function implementing our method is called \texttt{RMTest.m} which takes as arguments the data matrix \texttt{X}, the \texttt{gradient_check} and \texttt{plot_cost} options, the initial point \texttt{C_0} and the distance under investigation. The function returns the estimated covariance matrix \texttt{C_est} and the cost function related to this estimated covariance.

2- The main script comparing all algorithms for synthetic data is \texttt{CompareEst.m}.

3- The main script comparing the estimation methods for the LDA/QDA application is \texttt{ML_applications.m}.

4- folder \texttt{Manopt}: a Matlab toolbox for optimization on manifolds \cite{manopt}. Some of the functions in this folder were adapted to better suit our present problem.

5- folder \texttt{Othermethods}: containing alternative estimation methods among which the QuEST methods QuEST1 and QuEST2 from \cite{LW15,LW18}, the Rao-Blackwell Ledoit-Wolf estimation methods \cite{chen2010shrinkage} and the Oracle Approximating Shrinkage estimation method \cite{chen2010shrinkage}.

6- folder \texttt{Utilities}: contains supplementary codes for the implementation of LDA,QDA.

Code CompareEst.m

The different options proposed to execute the script \texttt{CompareEst.m} comparing the different estimation algorithms are as follows:

1- The range of $n$ and the value of $p$

2- The covariance matrices metric ``\texttt{distance}'' (among \texttt{Fisher, Battacharrya, KL, log, log1st, t}) or for the precision matrices (among \texttt{Inverse_Fisher, ,Inverse_Battacharrya,Inverse_KL,} \texttt{Inverse_log1st, Inverse_log,Inverse_t})

3- The target matrix \texttt{Covariance}'' (among \texttt{dirac,Wishart, toeplitz}) and their parameters \texttt{param}'' if needed (for the Wishart and Toeplitz cases)

4- The initialization point for the gradient descent algorithm denoted \texttt{initialization}'' (linear shrinkage from \cite{LED04} denoted \texttt{shrinkage}'', shrinkage from \cite{chen2010shrinkage} denoted \texttt{alternative shrinkage}'', QuEST denoted as \texttt{ledoit-wolf}'') or the identity denoted ``\texttt{manual}''

5- Other binary option can be chosen (among 0/1): (\texttt{gradient_check} to check if the gradient is correct, \texttt{plot_cost} to see the cost/real distance during iterations. Code \texttt{ML_applications.m} The different options proposed to execute the script \texttt{ML_applications.m} are as follows:

1- the data on which the LDA/QDA are applied denoted ``\texttt{dataset}'' for which the options are \texttt{synthetic} for synthetic data and \texttt{eeg} for eeg dataset.

2- The machine learning algorithms denoted ``\texttt{application}'' for which the options are \texttt{LDA} and \texttt{QDA}.

3- For synthetic data, the examples of covariance under investigation. For both the covariance of the first and second class, \texttt{Wishart} and \texttt{toeplitz} are the two options.

Reproducing the results of the article

The following sections detail the parameter setting to reproduce the figures of the main article.

Figure 1

Script $\rightarrow$ \texttt{CompareEst.m}\ covariance $\rightarrow$ toeplitz\ parameter $\rightarrow$ 0.4\ p $\rightarrow$ 512, n $\rightarrow$ 500\ distance $\rightarrow$ Fisher\ Initialisation $\rightarrow$ manual\ plot_cost $\rightarrow$ 1

Figure 2

Script $\rightarrow$ \texttt{CompareEst.m}

covariance $\rightarrow$ Wishart/toeplitz(0.1)/toeplitz(0.9)/dirac

n $\rightarrow$ linspace(210,500,10), p $\rightarrow$ 200

distance $\rightarrow$ Fisher

Initialisation $\rightarrow$ shrinkage

plot_cost $\rightarrow$ 0

Figure 3

Script $\rightarrow$ \texttt{CompareEst.m}

covariance $\rightarrow$ Wishart/toeplitz(0.1)/toeplitz(0.9)/dirac

n $\rightarrow$ linspace(210,500,10), p $\rightarrow$ 200

distance $\rightarrow$ Inverse_Fisher

Initialisation $\rightarrow$ shrinkage

plot_cost $\rightarrow$ 0

Figure 4

Script $\rightarrow$ \texttt{ML_applications.m}

mu2 $\rightarrow$ mu1+80/p

application $\rightarrow$ LDA

covariance1 $\rightarrow$ Wishart/Wishart/toeplitz/

covariance2 $\rightarrow$ Wishart/toeplitz/toeplitz/ dataset $\rightarrow$ synthetic/synthetic/synthetic/eeg

p $\rightarrow$ linspace(500,200,10), n $\rightarrow$ 512 eeg dataset $\rightarrow$ $n_train=500$, $n_test=1000$,p=100

Figure 5

Script $\rightarrow$ \texttt{ML_applications.m}

mu2 $\rightarrow$ mu1+1/p except for the third one which is mu1+80/p

application $\rightarrow$ QDA

covariance1 $\rightarrow$ Wishart/Wishart/toeplitz/

covariance2 $\rightarrow$ Wishart/toeplitz/toeplitz/

dataset $\rightarrow$ synthetic/synthetic/synthetic/eeg

p $\rightarrow$ linspace(500,200,10), n $\rightarrow$ 512

eeg dataset $\rightarrow$ $n_train=150$, $n_test=1000$,p=100

Please contact tiomoko_malik@yahoo.fr for further details