
.NET Core Roadkill (v3). A new repository to make the size of the Git repository smaller, and eventually will be the main Roadkill repository.

Primary LanguageC#Microsoft Public LicenseMS-PL

.NET Core Roadkill (v3)

This was a new repository to make the size of the Git repository smaller, and eventually move the main Roadkill repository here. It was a greenfield upgrade of Roadkill to .NET Core.

While this project is 99% functionally complete, it stopped at .NET 5. It hasn't been continued because of the large amount of work involved with integrating an OAuth 2 solution, and rewriting the front-end as a SPA with React or similar.

Feel free to fork and roll your own front end!

Original Roadmap


The next version will be ASP.NET Core only, aimed at Linux hosting for cost and scability.

Enhanced security

Through its ASP.NET Core identity integration, version 3 will support everything that Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity supports

Postgres only

Version 3 will be Postgres only, using Marten as its NoSQL document store. Postgres can be run as Docker container, or is available a service by services such as AWS RDS.


The new Roadkill will be powered by its RESTful API, rather than version's 2 after-thought approach. This enables far easier plugin and extensibility to exist for Roadkill.


Roadkill 3 will be a docker image you run, on Linux Docker. With Docker comes built in scalibility, easier versioning,

Postgres for searching

The next version will use Postgres for its search engine, rather than Lucene, removing a lot of complexity and past problems from Roadkill.

No more Creole support

Sorry Creole fans, but supporting 3 different markdown formats is too labour intensive, and CommonMark has come a long and pretty much made Creole redundant, and Mediawiki syntax has zero support for .NET. Looking at commercial wiki engines like Confluence, it ultimately doesn't make a lot of difference what markdown format you support, providing there is good documentation for the syntax.

Version 3 will only support Markdown, using the CommonMark standard via Markdig. CommonMark is a well thought-out and documentated extension of Markdown and has a large community behind it.

Improved editing experience

Because Roadkill is moving to CommonMark, the editor can now be improved to be more user friendly, and have a faster client-side preview. The TUI editor is currently being considered for this: https://github.com/roadkillwiki/roadkill/issues/57

A new theme

A new material-design based theme.

Re-designed file manager

While this may not make the initial v3 release, the plan is to redesign the file manager to emulate the Wordpress 4 file manager.

Better page dialog for adding links

Instead of having to memorize page names, adding links will be similar to Wordpress in finding pages that exist on the site.