
Yet Another React Todo App

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nx Todo

Build Release Deployment

Yet Another Todo App

MIT license Contributor Covenant Standard Readme Editor Config Conventional Commits eslint prettier Semantic Release


git clone https://github.com/roalcantara/nxtodo



# run eslint
npx nx lint tasks

# run jest tests
npx nx test tasks

# run cypress tests
npx nx e2e tasks-e2e

# build the application to `dist/` directory
npx nx build tasks

# start the development server at http://localhost:4200
npx nx serve tasks

# check files formatting
npx nx format:check

# format files
npx nx format:write

# deploy hosting
npm run deploy:hosting

# deploy functions
npm run deploy:functions

# deploy firestore rules
npm run deploy:firestore:rules

# deploy firestore rules and indexes
npm run deploy:firestore

# deploy firestore rules and indexes to production
npx nx deploy-firestore tasks --prod



  • Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub
  • Do follow Editor Config rules
  • Do follow Git lint rules
  • Everyone interacting in the project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the Contributor Covenant code of conduct


The project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License