

Primary LanguagePython


roamer7038's Linux Desktop/Server Environment Configuration.

The following basic software is assumed.

  • Vim
  • Tmux
  • Zsh

The desktop environment is i3wm.


Setup requires the make command. Generates a symbolic link to the configuration file in the home directory.

Minimum Setup

Generates symbolic links to minimal configuration files. (.bashrc .zshrc .tmux.conf .gitconfig .latexmkrc)

make minimum

Basic Setup

In addition to minimum setup, it generates symbolic links to additional application configuration files. To enable the vim plugin, vim8 or later, golang, nodejs, npm, and yarn are required. (minimum + terminator, dunst, ranger, vim (+plugins))

make basic

Full Setup

In addition to the basics setup, enable i3wm settings. (basic + i3wm)

make full

Add Development Environment


Install additional programming language execution environments. anyenv can add multiple versions of multiple programming languages to your userland.

git clone https://github.com/anyenv/anyenv ~/.anyenv
~/.anyenv/bin/anyenv init
anyenv install --init

Add the execution path.

export PATH="$HOME/.anyenv/bin:$PATH"

...and more.

anyenv install rbenv
anyenv install pyenv
anyenv install nodenv
exec $SHELL -l

rbenv install ...
pyenv install ...
nodenv install ...

rbenv requires the following packages: apt install -y build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libyaml



Edit .gitconfig and change it to your username and Email.

	name = username
	email = your@example.com

SSH public key authentication

Change to your user name and execute the following.

mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh
cd ~/.ssh
curl https://github.com/roamer7038.keys >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys