- 001_Quiz - A (very) rudimentary quiz game. AI
- I'll add more later if I get good feedback and interesting requests in the Corona forums.
##Requires SSK2 These examples requires that you own SSK2 (lite or PRO) version 008 or later.
##Why Am I providing this? I found that new Corona SDK community members often encounter many of the same problems and that the foundation of these problems originated in a lack of experience.
This is not a bad thing. It is simply the way things are. New developers come into a community and their first instinct is to make their favorite game or the current hot game.
As you would imagine, many quickly become stuck and frustrated.
It is my firm belief that all 2D game developers should learn a common set of base concepts AND should make a common set of 'fundamental' games.
Having a conviction is great, but action is better. So, I decided that as time permits, I will provide 'fundamental' game samples and training materials demonstrating key principles. This is one of those samples/games.