Rowel Atienza, PhD

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines

Research interests: AI, Vision, Speech, Language, and Robotics

Google Scholar


  1. Advanced Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras (2nd Ed) Packt Publishing, 2020
  2. Advanced Deep Learning with Keras Packt Publishing, 2018

Recent Publications

Code available on Github


  1. Scene Text Recognition with Permuted Autoregressive Sequence Models, ECCV 2022
  2. Depth Pruning with Auxiliary Networks for TinyML, ICASSP 2022
  3. Improving Model Generalization by Agreement of Learned Representations from Data Augmentation, WACV 2022


  1. GOO: A Dataset for Gaze Object Prediction in Retail Environments, CVPR 2021 Workshops
  2. Vision Transformer for Fast and Efficient Scene Text Recognition, ICDAR 2021
  3. Data Augmentation for Scene Text Recognition, ICCV 2021 Workshops
  4. Vision Transformer and its Applications, ODSC 2021


  1. Next-best view policy for 3D reconstruction, ECCV 2020 Workshops
  2. REIN: Flexible Mesh Generation from Point Clouds, CVPR 2020 Workshops


  1. A Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Rendering Point Clouds, CVPR 2019 Workshops

  2. Pyramid U-Network for Skeleton Extraction from Shape Points, CVPR 2019 Workshops


  1. Fast Disparity Estimation using Dense Networks, ICRA 2018