
An experiment in using Rx (reactive extensions) with network sockets for TCP in C#.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


An experiment in using reactive extensions with network sockets over TCP.

Four versions are implemented:

  1. Use TcpListener/TcpClient classes with asynchronous listen, connect, and stream methods.
  2. Use Socket as the driving class providing asynchronous listen and connect methods, but using with asynchronous stream methods.
  3. Use Socket as the driving class providing asynchronous methods for listen, connect, send and receive.
  4. Use Socket as the driving class with non-blocking sockets and a select loop.



I have folded in the changes I made while using these classes. The major change is that the ByteBuffer has been replaced by System.ArraySegment<byte> which has effectively the same functionality. This means I can use the methods on Socket which take IList<ArraySegment<byte>>, and delete a class!

The DisposableBuffer has been replaced by a generic wrapper class DisposableValue.

I hope these changes don't screw things up for people. I think this solution is neater, and more sympathetic to the underlying classes. I do like to delete code whenever possible!



The natural approach for a listener would be to subscribe an endpoint, and receive clients as they connect. This is achieved by an extension method ToListenerObservable which produces an observable of the form: IObservable<TcpClient> or IObservable<Socket>. So you might do the following:

new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 9211)
    .Subscribe(socket => DoSomething(socket));

The 10 is the backlog.


Clients read with an IObservable<ArraySegment<byte>> and write with an IObserver<ArraySegment<byte>> and are created by extension methods which take a Socket or TcpClient. There is also an ISubject<ArraySegment<byte>, ArraySegment<byte>> for reading and writing with the same object. So you might do the following:

    .Subscribe(buffer => DoSomething(buffer));

The ArraySegment<byte> class has a buffer and a length (the buffer may not be full). The 1024 argument was the size of the buffer to create. typically the extension method will also take a CancellationToken as an argument.

Frame Clients

Frame Clients follow the same pattern to the clients, but use a DisposableValue<ArraySegment<byte>> and send/receive the length of the buffer. This ensures the full message is received. They also take a BufferManager to reduce garbage collection.


The client connection can be performed asynchronously. ClientConnectors are IObservable<Socket> or IObservable<TcpClient> and are created by extension methods which take IPEndPoint. So you might do the following:

new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 9211)
    .Subscribe(socket => DoSomething(socket));


For each implementation there is an example echo client and server. The following shows the RxSocket implementation.

Echo Server

var endpoint = ProgramArgs.Parse(args, new[] { "" }).EndPoint;

var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

        client =>
            client.ToClientObservable(1024, SocketFlags.None)
                .Subscribe(client.ToClientObserver(1024, SocketFlags.None), cts.Token),
        error => Console.WriteLine("Error: " + error.Message),
        () => Console.WriteLine("OnCompleted"),

Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to quit");


Echo Client

var endpoint = ProgramArgs.Parse(args, new[] { "" }).EndPoint;

var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var bufferManager = BufferManager.CreateBufferManager(2 << 16, 2 << 8);

var frameClientSubject = endpoint.ToFrameClientSubject(SocketFlags.None, bufferManager, cts.Token);

var observerDisposable =
            disposableBuffer =>
                Console.WriteLine("Read: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(disposableBuffer.Value.Array, 0, disposableBuffer.Value.Count));
            error => Console.WriteLine("Error: " + error.Message),
            () => Console.WriteLine("OnCompleted: FrameReceiver"));

        line =>
            var writeBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(line);
            frameClientSubject.OnNext(DisposableValue.Create(new ArraySegment<byte>(writeBuffer, 0, writeBuffer.Length), Disposable.Empty));
        error => Console.WriteLine("Error: " + error.Message),
        () => Console.WriteLine("OnCompleted: LineReader"));






This implementation is the most straightforward. The TcpListener and TcpClient classes have asynchronous methods which can be used with await when connecting and listening. The provide a NetworkStream which implement asynchronous methods declared by Stream.

The listen is implemented in the following manner:

public static IObservable<TcpClient> ToListenerObservable(this IPEndPoint endpoint, int backlog)
    return new TcpListener(endpoint).ToListenerObservable(backlog);

public static IObservable<TcpClient> ToListenerObservable(this TcpListener listener, int backlog)
    return Observable.Create<TcpClient>(async (observer, token) =>

            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                observer.OnNext(await listener.AcceptTcpClientAsync());


        catch (Exception error)

Note that the observable factory method used is the asynchonous version which provides a cancellation token. We can use this to control exit from the listen loop and produce the OnCompleted action.


Connecting works in a similar manner to listening. We observe on and endpoint and receive a client.

public static IObservable<TcpClient> ToConnectObservable(this IPEndPoint endpoint)
    return Observable.Create<TcpClient>(async (observer, token) =>
            var client = new TcpClient();
            await client.ConnectAsync(endpoint.Address, endpoint.Port);
        catch (Exception error)

As with the listener we use the asynchronous factory method. As the connect may take some time I have added a cancellation token check after the connection returns.

Reading and writing

I have implemented two readers and writers. One for bytes, and another for "frames" which are discussed below. Note that when byte arrays are sent and received they may be fragmented (split into separate blocks).

It is often more efficient to manage the byte arrays in a pool. When we do this the buffers may be larger than the payload, so I use ArraySegment<byte> to hold the byte array and payload length.

The clients are thin wrappers around the streams:

public static ISubject<ArraySegment<byte>, ArraySegment<byte>> ToClientSubject(this TcpClient client, int size, CancellationToken token)
    return Subject.Create(client.ToClientObserver(token), client.ToClientObservable(size));

public static IObservable<ArraySegment<byte>> ToClientObservable(this TcpClient client, int size)
    return client.GetStream().ToStreamObservable(size);

public static IObserver<ArraySegment<byte>> ToClientObserver(this TcpClient client, CancellationToken token)
    return client.GetStream().ToStreamObserver(token);

The stream observer (writer) is the most straightforward as the write method guarantees to send the entire buffer.

public static IObserver<ArraySegment<byte>> ToStreamObserver(this Stream stream, CancellationToken token)
    return Observer.Create<ArraySegment<byte>>(async buffer =>
        await stream.WriteAsync(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset, buffer.Count, token);

The stream observable follows a similar pattern to the previous observables.

public static IObservable<ArraySegment<byte>> ToStreamObservable(this Stream stream, int size)
    return Observable.Create<ArraySegment<byte>>(async (observer, token) =>
        var buffer = new byte[size];

            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                var received = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, size, token);
                if (received == 0)

                observer.OnNext(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer, 0, received));

        catch (Exception error)

I have made a decision to create a dedicated buffer for each observable. This may not be what you want. An example using managed buffers can be seen below.

Note that the number of bytes read may be less than the size of the buffer.

The client is used in the echo server examples to read from the socket and write it back to the client. The server doesn't need to know anything about the message size or content so the client implementations are ideal. It simply forwards what it receives back to the client. Here is a slightly simplified version of the code.

        client =>
                .Subscribe(client.ToClientObserver(cts.Token), token),
        error => Console.WriteLine("Error: " + error.Message),
        () => Console.WriteLine("OnCompleted"),

Note how we can use the rx ObserveOn method to handle the client thread creation.

The frame clients manage fragmentation by sending/receiving the length of the byte array, before sending the array itself. Because what is read or written is now of indeterminate length I use managed buffers. With managed buffers there must be a mechanism to return the buffer to the pool. To achieve this we use a disposable wrapper around the buffer.

// Factory
public static class DisposableValue
    public static DisposableValue<T> Create<T>(T value, IDisposable disposable)
        return new DisposableValue<T>(value, disposable);

public struct DisposableValue<T> : IDisposable, IEquatable<DisposableValue<T>>
    private IDisposable _disposable;

    public static readonly DisposableValue<T> Empty;
    public DisposableValue(T value, IDisposable disposable) : this()
        Value = value;
        _disposable = disposable;

    public T Value { get; private set; }

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Equals(Value, default(T)) ? 0 : Value.GetHashCode();

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return obj is DisposableValue<T> && Equals((DisposableValue<T>)obj);

    public bool Equals(DisposableValue<T> other)
        return Equals(Value, other.Value) && Equals(_disposable, other._disposable);

    public static bool operator ==(DisposableValue<T> a, DisposableValue<T> b)
        return a.Equals(b);

    public static bool operator !=(DisposableValue<T> a, DisposableValue<T> b)
        return !a.Equals(b);

    public void Dispose()
        IDisposable disposable = Interlocked.CompareExchange<IDisposable>(ref _disposable, null, _disposable);
        if (disposable != null)

The frame clients simply delegate the behaviour to their streams.

public static ISubject<DisposableValue<ArraySegment<byte>>, DisposableValue<ArraySegment<byte>>> ToFrameClientSubject(this TcpClient client, BufferManager bufferManager, CancellationToken token)
    return Subject.Create(client.ToFrameClientObserver(token), client.ToFrameClientObservable(bufferManager));

public static IObservable<DisposableValue<ArraySegment<byte>>> ToFrameClientObservable(this TcpClient client, BufferManager bufferManager)
    return client.GetStream().ToFrameStreamObservable(bufferManager);

public static IObserver<DisposableValue<ArraySegment<byte>>> ToFrameClientObserver(this TcpClient client, CancellationToken token)
    return client.GetStream().ToFrameStreamObserver(token);

The observer is straightforward.

public static IObserver<DisposableValue<ArraySegment<byte>>> ToFrameStreamObserver(this Stream stream, CancellationToken token)
    return Observer.Create<DisposableValue<ArraySegment<byte>>>(async disposableBuffer =>
        var headerBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(disposableBuffer.Value.Count);
        await stream.WriteAsync(headerBuffer, 0, headerBuffer.Length, token);
        await stream.WriteAsync(disposableBuffer.Value.Array, 0, disposableBuffer.Value.Count, token);

We use the BitConverter to turn the length into a byte stream and send it as the first packet. Finally the byte array is sent.

The observable requires a helper method to ensure all the required bytes are read.

public static async Task<int> ReadBytesCompletelyAsync(this Stream stream, byte[] buf, int length, CancellationToken token)
    var read = 0;
    while (read < length)
        var remaining = length - read;
        var bytes = await stream.ReadAsync(buf, read, remaining, token);
        if (bytes == 0)
            return read;

        read += bytes;
    return read;

We need to handle the case where no bytes are returned because the socket is closed. We could throw an exception, but I prefer not to use exceptions to control logic, so I return the actual length read.

Finally the frame stream observable.

public static IObservable<DisposableValue<ArraySegment<byte>>> ToFrameStreamObservable(this Stream stream, BufferManager bufferManager)
    return Observable.Create<DisposableValue<ArraySegment<byte>>>(async (observer, token) =>
        var headerBuffer = new byte[sizeof(int)];

            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                if (await stream.ReadBytesCompletelyAsync(headerBuffer, headerBuffer.Length, token) != headerBuffer.Length)
                var length = BitConverter.ToInt32(headerBuffer, 0);

                var buffer = bufferManager.TakeBuffer(length);
                if (await stream.ReadBytesCompletelyAsync(buffer, length, token) != length)

                observer.OnNext(DisposableValue.Create(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer, 0, length), Disposable.Create(() => bufferManager.ReturnBuffer(buffer))));

        catch (Exception error)

I choose not to use the buffer manager to allocate the header buffer as it is only four bytes. We check the actual number of bytes read to detect closed sockets, then decode the length with BitConverter.

Once the length of the content is known we use BufferManager to provide the byte array. The disposable buffer is primed to return the buffer when Dispose is called.

The following example shows how the buffer is finally disposed by the echo client.

var observerDisposable =
    ToFrameClientObserver(client, bufferManager)
            disposableBuffer =>
                Console.WriteLine("Read: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(disposableBuffer.Value.Array, 0, disposableBuffer.Value.Count));
            error => Console.WriteLine("Error: " + error.Message),
            () => Console.WriteLine("OnCompleted: FrameReceiver"));


This is almost as trivial as RxTcp as it uses the Stream based asynchronous methods for reading and writing. However it does need to implement the asynchronous task pattern for listen and connect.

public static async Task<Socket> AcceptAsync(this Socket socket)
    return await Task<Socket>.Factory.FromAsync(socket.BeginAccept, socket.EndAccept, null);

public static async Task ConnectAsync(this Socket socket, IPEndPoint endpoint)
    await Task.Factory.FromAsync((callback, state) => socket.BeginConnect(endpoint, callback, state), ias => socket.EndConnect(ias), null);

For some reason this does not work if the EndXXX call is a method group.


This follows on from RxSocketStream by using asynchronous patterns for the sending and receiving. I have added a parameter for SocketFlags. We should be able to send and receive out of band, but I have not tried this.


This is the most convoluted implementation as it uses Socket.Select to provide the asynchronous behaviour. I implemented this as a challenge! but also to find out what the difference in performance was on Unix based systems using Mono.

The implementation is fairly complete, but I have not tried the out of band reading.

Wrap Up

Please let me know if you find any problems and I'll apply the fixes.
