
Rails, Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby

Houses of Westeros

When you play the Game of Rails, you win or you die.

You'll be making a Ruby on Rails app connecting Game of Thrones characters to their respective houses. Implement full CRUD functionality on the models.

We will start off with two models: Houses and Characters. Houses have many characters.

The styling of the app is completely up to you.

Models and Migrations

  • Create an ERD for your houses and characters tables
  • Create corresponding models and migrations
  • Create seed data that generates some houses and characters

Use this if you need some source material for your seed file. Or just make up some names!

Views and Controllers

  • Add views and controllers.

Bonus: User Authentication

Once -- and only -- after you have completed all of the above and implemented full CRUD functionality for Houses and Characters, add a third User model using Devise.

  • You should be able to sign up, sign in and sign out of the app
  • Only logged-in users should be able to create a House or Character
  • A user can only update or delete a House or Character he/she created

Think about what associations you will have to set up in order to implement these features

Some More Bonuses

  • Add a third model for quotes associated with a character.
  • Try out many-to-many relationships with Categories to label Characters. A Character can have many Categories (e.g., "merciless") and a Category can be associated with many Characters. A Tag model/table could be helpful here...
  • Create an admin role (i.e., somebody who can update/delete anything) using CanCanCan.