
A helper blender plugin to import and place all props in a .vmf. Requires the use of zfbx for prop fbx creation.

Primary LanguagePython


A helper blender plugin to import and place all props in a .vmf. Requires the use of zfbx for prop fbx creation. This tool is to be used alongside zfbx. It is not perfect and requires changes but works well enough soo far.


You must use the tool zfbx by Zak found here first. This will decompile your map into a base fbx of the world brushes and also fbx versions of all props and converted textures.

How to use

  • Use zfbx on your chosen map

  • Install the plugin (blender 2.8 and higher)

  • Go to File > Import > .vmf Props (zfbx)

  • Navigate to the .vmf

  • Before clicking import, paste the full path to the models directory made by zfbx. (This should contain folders named after props such as "props_c17")

  • Click "Import Props" and wait. This can take a long time. Your blender will freeze but just be patient. If your PC is slow and has little ram it could crash with maps with many props

  • Enjoy. Some props may not be rotated just right but this is something I will be working on.

Current Issues

  • All imported props have their own material instances. Future version will also fix this and make them share for easy editing.
  • Slow. Can't do much about that.
  • Only tested on Windows.