
Automate and monitor data pipelines with Apache Airflow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Data Pipelines with Airflow

How can you automate and monitor data pipelines that support your analytical users? One popular way is to use Apache Airflow. Describing complicated workflows as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), where each node is task directing the processing of the data. The edges that connect the nodes order the sequence of tasks. DAGs run task that invoke worker processes that do the "real" work while the DAG orchestrates their efforts.

  1. Extract and load (EL) data from JSON files stored on AWS S3 into staging tables on AWS Redshift. No transformations are made to the data during this step.

  2. Extract, transform and load (ETL) the data from the staging tables into a set dimensional tables in AWS Redshift.

  3. Data quality checks are performed on the dimensional tables to see if the transformations ran correctly.

Here is the DAG defining the sequence of these operations.


Key Files

  1. airflow/dags/songplay_dag.py - Defines the tasks and arranges them in DAG.

  2. airflow/plugins/operators/stage_redshift.py - Loads data from S3 to Redshift using the Redshift's COPY command.

  3. airflow/plugins/operators/data_quality.py - Defines the DataQualityOperator that assures the tables are populated with data.

  4. airflow/plugins/operators/load_dimension.py - Defines the LoadDimensionOperator that loads data from the staging to dimension tables.

  5. airflow/plugins/operators/load_fact.py - Defines the LoadFactOperator that loads data from the staging to fact tables.

  6. airflow/dags/create_tables.sql - SQL script that creates all the tables in the database.

  7. airflow/dags/create_tables.sql - SQL script that drops all the tables in the database.

  8. airflow/plugins/sql_queries.py - Contains the INSERT queries that transform the data in the staging tables into the dimension and fact tables of a star-schema.

Configuration Notes

Here I am using my project's repository to store all my Airflow code and configuration files. This folder is known as AIRFLOW_HOME and it is stored in the environment. I set the AIRFLOW_HOME by running export AIRFLOW_HOME=pwd/airflow.

Running Airflow locally is simplist using Docker. The reason being without a full fledged database running (e.g., PostgreSQL) a local Python install is limited to running all tasks sequentially.

Airflow's PostgresOperator can run sql scripts. The trick to getting it working was putting the scripts -- that must have a in .sql like create_tables.sql -- to be in the same directory as the DAG that calls them. In this repository, that is airflow/dags.

Taking a snapshot of your Redshift cluster enables the cluster to be restored to its state at the time of the backup. This is useful during development and testing. When you do the Postgres connection remains the same, but:

  • You need to reset the IAM role once the cluster is up and running.

  • You need to choose the Security Group that enables remote access. For my simple setup, I am using password-based authentication.

Useful Airflow Commands

Aiflow has a command line interface (CLI) that is very useful in finding issues with DAG objects.

  • airflow list_dags - Lists all DAGS or produces a stack trace helping you find syntax problems.

  • airflow test dag_id task_id execution_date - Runs a task without running all tasks in the DAG.

  • airflow clear dag_id - Clears the history of a partilar DAG from the database.


  1. Airflow Documentation - Airflows official documentation including a Quick Start guide, Tutorial and the Python API.

  2. https://medium.com/datareply/airflow-lesser-known-tips-tricks-and-best-practises-cf4d4a90f8f - Useful examples of how to best apply Airflow to ETL and ELT tasks.

  3. Airflow: Lesser Known Tips, Tricks, and Best Practises - Describes features of Airflow that the author wished he had known sooner.

  4. Awesome Apache Airflow - Currated list of Airflow resources.

  5. Can't import Airflow plugins - Stackoverflow post that discusses how to fix issues importing custom Airflow plugins.

  6. Data’s Inferno: 7 Circles of Data Testing Hell with Airflow - How to maintain complex pipelines so you don't get called a 2 AM. In a word, testing.

  7. Testing in Airflow Part 1 — DAG Validation Tests, DAG Definition Tests and Unit Tests - Seriously, testing Airflow seems highly worthwhile.