
test the relative performance of Go method dispatch to Java

Primary LanguageJava


This package is a micro-benchmark which tests the performance of Go method dispatch, both interface based, and concrete type.

It has similar tests written using Java as well.

Testing Methodology

The tests use 'gobench' for Go and 'jmh' for Java. The tests were rung using IntelliJ support for both.

The tests were run using Go 1.11 and Java 1.8_181.

The tests were run on identical hardware and OS, iMac OS 12.7.5, 4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7

Multiple runs were performed with very insignificant in the results.


Go 1.22.4

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/robaho/go-dispatch-test
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
BenchmarkIDispatch-8      	535263746	         2.118 ns/op
BenchmarkIDispatchPtr-8   	675721244	         1.773 ns/op
BenchmarkDispatch-8       	1000000000	         0.6953 ns/op
BenchmarkArrayParms-8     	  184212	      6440 ns/op

Java build 21+35-LTS-2513

Benchmark                           Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  Units
TestJavaDispatch.TestArrayDispatch  avgt    9  4367.196 ± 50.227  ns/op
TestJavaDispatch.TestDispatch       avgt    9     0.942 ±  0.005  ns/op
TestJavaDispatch.TestIDispatch      avgt    9     1.341 ±  0.040  ns/op


Interestingly, if the Go methods are declared with pointer receivers, the performance improves - which is a change over previous Go versions where the performance was almost 3x worse.