
Utilise modern web API's to provide a more native/app-like experience to your Magento store

Primary LanguagePHP


"Supported Magento Version" "Latest Release"

  • Compatible with Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce 2.4.x


In a few words, this module aims to provide a more native-like experience for mobile users and generally an improved experience overall.

  • Snackbar / Toasts: Frontend messages are moved to a single location (currently the bottom right)
  • Low battery level notifications displayed to guests to entice account creation
    • Level configurable from admin (Default: 20%)
  • Online / offline notifications

NOTE: Each feature uses feature detection where possible. Browsers that don't support the necessary features should still work just fine, but the relevant feature(s) will not work.


  • Magento Open Source or Adobe Commerce version 2.4.x


Please install this module via Composer. This module is hosted on Packagist.

  • composer require aimes/module-native-experience
  • bin/magento module:enable Aimes_NativeExperience
  • bin/magento setup:upgrade


Snackbar / Toasts


Battery Notification


Online / Offline notifications


Planned Features & Improvements

  • Hyva support
  • Share API to allow device native sharing capablities (if supported)
  • Service worker to display a basic offline page
    • Possibly configurable via CMS page
    • It's unnecessary to cache the entire site (in my opinion) whereas providing a simple page to provide contact details in the case the customer has no internet connection is reasonably useful
  • Better configuration for battery
    • Enable for guests
    • Enable for registered users
    • Cutomised messaging


GPLv3 © Rob Aimes