
Fixtures for DITA-OT issues

Primary LanguageClojureApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A set of fixtures for testing DITA-OT issues.

Basic use

In most cases, provided that your DITA_GIT environment variable points to the DITA-OT Git repository, to generate output for a given issue, you should be able to just do something like:

cd fixtures/1173
ant -find

The Ant buildfile in this repository should be able to build pretty much any DITA file regardless of the DITA-OT version you're using. You don't need to set the CLASSPATH, either — in fact, it's probably better if it's empty. If it doesn't work, though, please let me know.

A default set of properties passed to DITA-OT is defined in the build.properties file in the root of this repository.

To locate your DITA-OT installation, the buildfile uses your DITA_GIT environment variable. You can tell it to use another DITA-OT installation by doing:

ant -Ddita.home=/path/to/dita-ot ...

By default, the buildfile looks for a DITA map called root.ditamap in the directory where you run ant. If your DITA file has another name, you'll have to tell that to the buildfile.

There's two ways to do that. The buildfile reads the build.properties file in the current directory and passes the properties in that file to DITA-OT. So, if a specific set of DITA properties needs to be set for an issue to occur, you can add them into the build.properties file for that issue.

That means that to specify the name of your DITA file, you can add a build.properties file like this into the directory of the issue you're working on:

args.input = ${user.dir}/indirect-keyref-test.ditamap

Or you can specify a different transtype than the default one:

transtype = pdf2

Or you can set any other DITA-OT property that you need to.

After that, a simple ant -find is enough to build the document.

You can also pass any DITA-OT properties as command-line arguments as you normally would:

cd fixtures/1605
ant -Dargs.input=$PWD/indirect-keyref-test.ditamap -Dtranstype=pdf2 -find
# On Windows, use %CD% instead of $PWD

You can even specify which DITA-OT Ant targets to execute. For example, to only run the DITA-OT preprocessing stage, into build.properties, add:

ant.targets = build-init preprocess

Or, on the command line:

ant -Ddost.ant.targets="build-init preprocess" -find

NOTE: The parameter is ant.targets in build.properties and dost.ant.targets on the command line because of Ant's property prefix magic.

Using Vagrant

To use the Vagrantfile in this repo, you must:

  1. Install Vagrant.
  2. Install Ansible.
  3. Clone the DITA-OT Git repository
  4. Set the DITA_GIT environment variable to point to the directory where you cloned the DITA-OT Git repository.

After that, you can run DITA-OT in the Vagrant virtual machine:

  1. cd to where you have this repo cloned
  2. Run vagrant up linux or vagrant up windows.
  3. Run vagrant ssh linux or vagrant up windows.
  4. In the guest machine, run cd /vagrant.

You can then build the fixtures:

cd /vagrant/fixtures/1173
ant -find

No need to set DITA_HOME with Vagrant: provided that you have the DITA_GIT environment variable set, it will be set for you automatically in the virtual machine.