This is a list of resources for people who are new to contributing to open source.
If you find additional resources, please contribute a pull request.
If you have questions or comments, please create an issue.
- Up For Grabs - a list of projects with beginner-friendly issues
- - a tool for searching GitHub issues by label and language
- First Timers Only - a list of bugs that are labelled "first-timers-only"
- YourFirstPR - starter issues on GitHub that can be easily tackled by new contributors.
- Awesome-for-beginners - a GitHub repo that amasses projects with good bugs for new contributors, and applies labels to describe them.
- Openhatch - a non-profit organization that helps lower barriers of entry into open source. You can find bugs and projects here, as well.
- Open Source Guides - Collection of resources for individuals, communities, and companies who want to learn how to run and contribute to an open source project.
- 45 Github Issues Dos and Don’ts- Do's and Don'ts on GitHub
- GitHub Guides - basic guides on how to use GitHub effectively.
Search links that point directly to suitable issues to contribute to on GitHub
- Good First Bugs - bugs that developers have identified as a good introduction to the project
- Mentored Bugs - bugs that have a mentor assigned who will be there on IRC to help you when you get stuck while working on fix
- Bugs Ahoy - a site dedicated to finding bugs on Bugzilla
- Firefox DevTools - a site dedicated to bugs filed for the developer tools in the Firefox browser
- What Can I Do For Mozilla - figure out what you can work on by answering a bunch of questions about your skill set and interests
- Start Mozilla - a Twitter account that tweets about issues fit for contributors new to the Mozilla ecosystem
- "How to find your first open source bug to fix" by @Shubheksha
- "First Timers Only" by @kentcdodds
- "Bring Kindness Back to Open Source" by @shanselman
- "Getting into Open Source for the First Time" by @mcdonnelldean
- "Contribute to Open Source in Github" by @Github
- "How to find a bug in code" by @dougbradbury
- Oh shit, git! - how to get out of common
mistakes described in plain English - Atlassian Git Tutorials - various tutorials on using
- GitHub Git Cheat Sheet (PDF)
- freeCodeCamp's Wiki on Git Resources
- GitHub Flow - GitHub talk on how to make a pull request
- GitHub Learning Resources - Git and GitHub learning resources
- Pro Git - The entire Pro Git book, written by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub and published by Apress.
- Try Git - Learn Git in your browser for free