
My personal computer configurations, get your own

Primary LanguageShell

robb-j's dotfiles

These files are my dotfiles to be shared between development machines


zshrc - common zsh configuration, usage:

# ~/.zprofile
# (for Apple Silicon)
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

export ZSH="$HOME/.oh-my-zsh"
export DOTFILES_DIR="$HOME/dev/dotfiles"
source "$DOTFILES_DIR/.zprofile"

# (optional)
# export PATH=$(brew --prefix openssh)/bin:$PATH

# ~/.zshrc
source "$DOTFILES_DIR/.zshrc"

ssh_config - ssh configuration

# ~/.ssh/config
Include ~/dev/dotfiles/ssh_config

gitconfig - git configuration

# ~/.gitconfig
  path = ~/dev/dotfiles/.gitconfig

blue-night - custom macOS terminal profile. Import it in Terminal.app and export it back to apply updates.

global commands

# Start editing the zshrc and re-source it afterwards

# Update the dotfiles repo (if the repo is clean)

helpful commands

# cd to/this/directory

# check brew dependencies
brew bundle check

# generate a new brewfile
brew bundle dump

# update from the current brewfile
brew bundle install

# uninstall dependencies not in brewfile
brew bundle cleanup

# create a defaults diff
defaults read > tmp/before.txt
  # do some changes ...
defaults read > tmp/after.txt
opendiff tmp/before.txt tmp/after.txt

# force install rosetta
sudo /usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

container use

# cd to/this/folder

# generate server key
ssh-keygen container/server_key

# setup authorized keys
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub > container/authorized_keys

# build and run development

# ssh into the container
ssh -p 30022 user@

# stop the container (in a new terminal)
docker ps
docker stop $CONTAINER_ID