
A rather simple js app to run on a smart mirror

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Coming soon...


I created a lightweight DOM renderer which is used with jsx for developer ease. jsx is transpilled to createElement calls. This takes a tagName, attributes object a rest parameter for children. If tagName is a function it calls the function with the attrs object and children array.

Fragments are transpilled to a createElement call passing DomFragment tagName. Both createElement and DomFragment are injected onto the window so they don't have to be imported everywhere


There's also a FaIcon component which renders the svg wrapped in a <div class="fa-icon>. So you can do <FaIcon prefix="fas" iconName="hat-wizard" />. Any attributes are passed to #icon

build and deploy

# Get a deploybot.env with a deploybot MASTER_KEY
# -> You may need to change DEPLOYBOT_URL

# Once for the app
https deploybot.r0b.io/build/smartish-mirror-app "Authorization:Bearer $MASTER_KEY" \
  | jq -r .build.dotenv > app/deploybot.env

# Once for the server
https deploybot.r0b.io/build/smartish-mirror-server "Authorization:Bearer $MASTER_KEY" \
  | jq -r .build.dotenv > server/deploybot.env

# Version the server
./bin/version server # patch | minor | major | x.y.x

# Version the app
./bin/version app # patch | minor | major | x.y.x

This project was set up by puggle