Install instructions: * You need at least PHP 5.1 * You need have mplayer installed * copy to a path of your choice, for ubuntu you might want /var/www/mythcut * if you have /etc/mythtv/config.xml and it is readable to the apache user, you are done. * otherwise, add these lines to your apache config, in an appropriate place, and adapt to your needs. For ubuntu, this will be /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mythcut.conf <Directory /var/www/mythcut/> DirectoryIndex index.php setenv db_server "ip-address-of-your-db-server" setenv db_name "mythtv database name, probably mythconverg" setenv db_login "mythtv" setenv db_password "your-super-secret-password" </Directory> * Then reload your apache (apachectl graceful) Configuration ============= There are a few configuration settings, the defaults are found in lib/config-defaults.php. If you want to make changes, copy lib/config-defaults.php to lib/config.php and make your changes in this file. This file takes precedence over the default-config-file.