
bitcodin .NET API Client written in C#

Primary LanguageC#


The bitcodin API for C# is a seamless integration with the bitmovin cloud transcoding service. It enables the generation of MPEG-DASH and HLS content in just some minutes.


Before you can use the bitcodin-c# API wrapper, you need a version of .NET that is compatible with that platform:



###OS X


Before you can start using the api you need to set your API key.

Your API key can be found in the settings of your bitmovin user account, as shown in the figure below.


An example how you can instantiate the bitcodin API is shown in the following:

using com.bitmovin.bitcodin.Api;
public static class BitcodinApiTest
  public static void Run()
    const string apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
    var bitApi = new BitcodinApi(apiKey);


The following example demonstrates how to create a simple transcoding job, generating MPEG-DASH and Apple HLS out of a single MP4.

 public static class CreateS3Job
    public static void Run()
      /* Create BitcodinApi */
      const string apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
      var bitApi = new BitcodinApi(apiKey);

      /* Create URL Input */
      var s3InputConfig = new S3InputConfig
        AccessKey = "ACCESSKEY",
        SecretKey = "SECRETKEY",
        Bucket = "BUCKET",
        Region = "REGION",
        ObjectKey = "path/to/file.ext"

      Input input;
        input = bitApi.CreateInput(s3InputConfig);
      catch (BitcodinApiException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Could not create input: " + e);

      Console.WriteLine("Created Input: " + input.Filename);

      /* Create EncodingProfile */
      var videoConfig1 = new VideoStreamConfig
        Bitrate = 4800000,
        Width = 1920,
        Height = 1080,
        Profile = Profile.MAIN,
        Preset = Preset.PREMIUM

      var videoConfig2 = new VideoStreamConfig
        Bitrate = 2400000,
        Width = 1280,
        Height = 720,
        Profile = Profile.MAIN,
        Preset = Preset.PREMIUM

      var videoConfig3 = new VideoStreamConfig
        Bitrate = 1200000,
        Width = 854,
        Height = 480,
        Profile = Profile.MAIN,
        Preset = Preset.PREMIUM

      var encodingProfileConfig = new EncodingProfileConfig { Name = "DotNetTestProfile" };


      var audioStreamConfig = new AudioStreamConfig
        DefaultStreamId = 0,
        Bitrate = 192000

      EncodingProfile encodingProfile;
        encodingProfile = bitApi.CreateEncodingProfile(encodingProfileConfig);
      catch (BitcodinApiException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Could not create encoding profile: " + e);

      /* Create Job */
      var jobConfig = new JobConfig
        EncodingProfileId = encodingProfile.EncodingProfileId,
        InputId = input.InputId

      Job job;
        job = bitApi.CreateJob(jobConfig);
      catch (BitcodinApiException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Could not create job: " + e);

      JobDetails jobDetails;

          jobDetails = bitApi.GetJobDetails(job.JobId);
          Console.WriteLine("Status: " + jobDetails.JobStatus +
                            " - Enqueued Duration: " + jobDetails.EnqueueDuration + "s" +
                            " - Realtime Factor: " + jobDetails.RealtimeFactor +
                            " - Encoded Duration: " + jobDetails.EncodedDuration + "s" +
                            " - Output: " + jobDetails.BytesWritten / (double)1024 / 1024 + "MB");
        catch (BitcodinApiException)
          Console.WriteLine("Could not get any job details");

        if (jobDetails.JobStatus == JobStatus.ERROR)
          Console.WriteLine("Error during transcoding");

      } while (jobDetails.JobStatus != JobStatus.FINISHED);

      Console.WriteLine("Job with ID " + job.JobId + " finished successfully!");

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##Install bitcodin-dotnet via Package Manager Console To install bitcodin-dotnet, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

    Install-Package bitcodin-dotnet -Version 1.0.0

##Managing NuGet Packages Using the Dialog Detailed information on how to find, install, remove, and update NuGet packages using the Manage NuGet Packages dialog box can be found at docs.nuget.org