DbUp Package Manager Console Scripts
Package Manager Console scripts for DbUp.
This package is hosted on NuGet.
Install-Package dbup-consolescripts
Although dbup-consolescripts does not have a dependency on the dbup package, it is assumed you are using the following commands against a DbUp project.
- New-Migration [Name] - Creates a new migration .sql file in the \Scripts folder of the current project and marks it as an Embedded Resource. Uses the timestamped name format %y%m%d%H%M%S.sql (i.e. 150411194108.sql for 04/11/2015 7:41:08 PM). Optionally, specify a [Name] which will be appended to the file name.
- Start-Migrations - Runs any pending migrations by building and running the current project.
When this package is installed, the above commands can be run from the Package Manager Console. Note: make sure the "Default project" selected in the Package Manager Console is your DbUp project before running these commands.
Release Process
- Download latest version of nuget.exe to \tools folder.
- From root project folder, run
rake release[1.2.0,"Release notes here..."]