Get started making great Ghost themes with Linen!
This is a starter theme for Ghost, and is not intended to be used as-is on any site or blog.
Linen is a sensible collection of default styles and templates that can be mixed, matched, removed or refactored to create a unique Ghost theme.
Linen is created and maintained by Theme Spectre
(More detailed installation instructions coming soon, I promise)
- Node.js
- Ruby
- Sass
- Grunt
Clone (or fork) this repository into your /content/themes/ folder in Ghost.
Run npm install
in the linen directory to install grunt modules.
Run grunt
to build the Sass files, or grunt watch
when you are ready to start themeing.
To build a .zip file of your theme for distribution, run:
grunt bundle --name=yourthemename
The build folder will contain the necessary theme files, and the dist folder will contain a .zip file of your theme that you can distribute and use in other Ghost instances.
- Themble & Eddie Machado for the Bones framework
- HTML5 Boilerplate
- Mono Social Icon Font
- Ghost and Casper