- Clone and install dependencies with yarn.
- Create a self-certified SSL certificate
- Start project with
npm run dev
You need a valid SSL certificate to run the server and display the content in your browser.
When developing, you can generate a self-cert yourself like this:
mkdir cert
openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout cert/server.key -out cert/server.crt
Leave all settings blank, except for Common Name which needs to be localhost.
Additionally, you need to import the server.crt into your Keychain and mark it as safe.
I recommend you use Cmdr as your shell. Enter the same commands as for Mac OSX above, then start certmgr.msc and import the new cert as a trusted root certificate.
Run npm run build
APP-ID: 3 86fe5360c85463bac4315dff365fdc2
- Create a person group
For this project, the person group is aspc2017
- Create a Face List
For this project, the list is aspc2017faces
- Create a Person Group
For this project, the group is aspc2017facegroup
Submit FaceID to list to get a persisted face ID
Get Stored Faces